UFO Explorer

Hello everyone. In some of my spare time I made a very basic game. At the moment you just fly around the earth as a UFO.
I’m not sure to continue or not, because i don’t know what the goal of the game is.
Tell me what you think.
(sorry no screens :frowning: )
Please note it uses GLSL.

Cmon tell me what you think.

video would be better and some screenshots, I’m too lazy to download things at the moment :slight_smile:

to lazy? the computer does the work for you. :slight_smile:
I know screens and video would be better, but since i dont realy care about this game i figured i wouldn’t.

shoot other ufos

I was thinking that, but wouldn’t it get boring after 2 levels?
Unless i added power ups and learned how to customize the ship…ok you got my thoughts going. :slight_smile:

Hey, it looks pretty good. I really liked the sky-sphere and the textures were good. And sound! Not something you find every day on a BGE game ^^