Ugly people

Here are some ugly people I’m working on.

They have my first human ear, which was hard.

Please C+C, particularly the edge loops, which I hope I have right.

The skin is shiner than I think it should be.


wow, that is reallllly low poly, good job! I’d make the mouth on the old women smaller though. I know it’s exagerated on purpose but,…
just an opinion

hey yogyog, nice looking models, the man’s hair needs some work, maybe use some curve guides and have it hanging down and looking greasey (cant spell?).

by the way are these for a certain film that is in the making? if so i know exactly what style to modeling in now :smiley:

::edit:: title is supposed to be “nice style and meshes”

the loops look okay from what I can see. but its really hard to tell on such a low poly model with subsurf on because of the strange lack in edges.

however once you rendered it - it looks fine to me =)

I don’t know - somethig about such a low poly model makes me feel uneasy. But keep posting so I can learn from your technique

also yogyog if you want to add wrinkles and more details, add 1 level of sub d in the modifiers and apply it to the mesh once youve rigged it, then tweak the loops so you have more options when moving bones etc…

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Good ugly people. One way humans perceive ugliness is gross departures from the norm, such as your enourmous nose or the overly wide mouth. The other main way we see a face as ugly is assymetry: one eye slightly higher or smaller than the other, one side of the lip thicker, a tilted jaw bone, one cheek protruding more than the other. Moles or wens are almost the ultimate assymetry for faces, since they are unique in size and placement on a face where everything else is mirrored. Doesn’t even have to be exaggerated, since the human eye is very good at picking up assymetry.

Regarding edge loops: it’s pretty hard to follow some of the loops to see if they wind up going where they should.

There are some problems with the eye loops on the woman. The first loop goes around the eye, the second loop crosses the bridge of the nose and goes around both eyes, but the third loop tries to go back around the eye again. Once you decide to take the loops over the nose bridge, the rest of the loops should follow that pattern.

The irises in the woman’s eyes should be closer to the center of the eyelid opening. Try rotating the eyeballs outward from the centerline to move the irises. (And don’t forget to make the rotations slightly assymetrical…)

This is what I had in mind for the film, but - it isn’t really my decision, right? The main reason I moddeled these was because I haven’t moddeled anything for a while.

Since posting these I have added wrinkles to the old woman using a texture. (will post soon) I would post the .blend’s on blenderprojects, but the posting system didn’t seem to be working. She’s also become black - the face-shape sugests that. I can change her back if you guy’s want.

I’ll have a look at what I can do with those edge-loops.

As for the mouth - yeah - it is a bit big! this might,however, be the mouth for the extreme widest EEEEE sound. When shut, her mouth is much smaller.

As for braking the symatry - yes, good idea, but once I’ve done that it’s very hard to go back, so I need to be sure of what I’m doing.

I’ve also spotted a problem with his ear - the front of it should sink to his head and it - - - doesnt. It sticks out like a trumpet!

Now with wrinkles! and sagged jowls and bags under the eyes. Hopefully she’s looking older now.


even more age—


Nice Yogyog :slight_smile:

Ok - I need a few desisions about style from the rest of the team…

As you can see i’ve put together a rough body for scale - I’m not sure what the proportions should be between the head and the body. They’ll need to be the same on all the charactors, though the old lady will probably be quite short, but with a similar size head to everyone else.

The other thing is my experimant of toon-shading her… this would have certian advantages. Slightly quicker to make materials & render, and if we use the lossless Quicktime Animation codec it will reduce file sizes.
