The tools pallets just overlapp each other. Some stylesheet must have a bug in its columns sizing, or something…:eyebrowlift2:
Don’t know if someone else gets this on OSX 10.4.9 (octocores 5 gig fbdimm)
BTW, something else: how do i join objects (mouth, nose and face) in Blender ?.. :eek: Can’t find the way to do that (pieces are actually on 3 different layers…)
You might be suffering from a graphics driver issue there - I don’t get that on my systems at the house.
As for joining objects, select two objects and hit ctrl-J, and then go into edit mode and place the objects close enough to be able to remove doubles, or alt-m to join pairs of vertices. There is a script to bridge edge loops, but I can’t find it on my computer at the moment.
those button panels can free float. just realign them horizontal, or move them and they should readjust to horizontal (if they are not free). Free is like wherever they happen to be. To realign, right click on a benign area and the popup should be the align menu.
Yeah. While fumbling around with UI stuff, i must have clicked on “free” (maybe just because it’s a word i like) and choosing horizontal did it back fine!
The Ctr-J command is tricky, because it obviously dislikes the object to be mirrored and i don’t know yet how to make my vertices as plain objects, at that stage…
Th Ctr-M seamed to do something… but not to get all the present objects to be in edit mode all together.
I’ll go after that right away… !:ba: