The aim of my work is to tell the famous escape of Ulysses and his fellow survivors from the fury of Polyphemus in a “heroic / comic” key, freely inspired by the graphic novel 300 by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley. The idea is to represent the table of a hypothetical graphic novel dedicated to the Odyssey.
This is the artwork with which I participated in the January contest.
I hope the translation is correct as I have studied the Odyssey in Italian
“After having drunk the Cyclops Polyphemus, deceived with the stratagem of the name“ Nobody ”and having blinded him with a red-hot trunk, the brave Ulysses, with his surviving companions, stage a daring escape thanks to the cyclops’s sheep.
Polyphemus invokes the help of his brothers shouting that Nobody has blinded him and wants to kill him, but he is taken for drunk and ignored.
By now on the beach, the king of Ithaca and his companions head to the ship and to safety, when a cry full of anger is heard that pierces the sky:
The sun eclipses behind a gigantic boulder that the Cyclops raises above his head with the intent of throwing blindly in an attempt to hit the fugitives or their ship.
Odysseus, contemptuous of the danger, collects a bow from the beach, full of weapons left by other unfortunate victims of the Cyclops, and decides to cover the escape of his companions to the ship by making fun of Polyphemus and, prey to the victor’s arrogance, reveals his real name.
Here Polyphemus invokes the intervention of his father, Poseidon the god of the seas, who unleashes his fury against the king of Ithaca and his fleet.
but this is another story … "
Modeling, textures, shading and compositing: Blender 3.0
Render: Eevee
Post production: Krita