[Un-official] Chaos Corona 3.0 exporter for Blender | Now supported Blender 4.0 or later

I am! Still The same.

Select one of these and re-export Config file and render again:

Maybe i’m missing something Don’t have Filter Type Options??

I think your version is not latest.

What version are you talking about? v1.9? Corona Blender 3.0? or Blender? Links?

BCorona v1.9 + Blender v3.3alpha(or beta)

Hi! Thank you for your work.
I followed all your instructions with installation but still have some problems. Render does not work with any models i create
I use blender 3.3 and your latest corona files

Hi, Can you show me your shader for that object?

New v1.9.3 has been released on first post!

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thank you so much!!! you made my day.

tried to install it on my macbook pro m1 max with standalone corona 3.0.

linked the blender plugin witch the standalone corona inside the mac application folder. but when i start the blender render window opens but nothing happens…

any suggestions?

thanks again :slight_smile:

Hi. If you have AnyDesk app I can help you via on it.

New initial fixed v1.9.4 is out on first post!

The author has been deleted post because an issue has been fixed by himself.
The reason: does not worked properly with the addon.

New v1.9.5 is out on first post!

Gumroad.com page has been added!

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Hi. Is there any plan to add CoronaSkinMtl and CoronaHairMtl shaders in the future?

Hi. There is no chance to add them.

Cycles to Corona shader converter (early stages):


That is really awesome Odilkhan!

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