Unable to make selection

After working for several hours with the new RVK sliders and the audio scrubbing, two strange things happened at once. First, textured and potato openGL previews do not display. Second, I am unable to either select individual objects with RMB or to set the cursor position with LMB. (My mouse is working fine, btw). I CAN select objects view a B-key selection area, but when selected, the objects do not display the proper buttons in the mesh editing buttons, nor can enter edit mode on them.

Did I hit the wrong key and enter some strange new mode? Hopefully my work is not trashed, because it’s good.


Did you check if your Ctrl or Alt key was not “stuck”?


Yikes. I don’t know what happened. Problem is now solved, though.

I ended up creating a new object view the space bar, which appeared selected. Once I removed that new object, I could make selections again, and my shaded views cleaned themselves up. Scary.

sometimes on windows, these “modes” have known to get stuck, like theeth said. pressing all the keys and standing on your head could help :slight_smile:


I feel I should mention the only the active object has buttons avaliable for it

I.E. You can have more than one object selected, but there is at most one active object. It cannot be selected (made active) with the border select, only right click.

the active object is displayed in a lighter purple than the selected objects

Thanks guys. Still don’t know what the problem was. The blend file had something “stuck” in it. If I opened a different blend or created a new one, everything worked fine. Reopen that same old blend, though, and the problem persisted. Creating a new object in the blend cleared it up, though, so that’s what you should do if 2.28 causes you a midnight lock-up panic.