Unable to separately select the intersection of 2 meshes

Hi everyone. I am using blender 2.80 and I want to intersect 2 meshes and later select their intersection separately (like in the picture). I am using the Boolean modifier, but it does not solve my problem. Please help: is there any other way to do it? or maybe I am using the Boolean modifier incorrectly? or is it a bug in the version?


Hi and welcom on BA

I fell like you used the Boolean with “Union” option (because in edit mode your meshes seem to be fully joined) What you want to do is with the “Intersect” option.

See you :slight_smile: ++

try to avoid two faces from completely coincided will help reduce this kind of problem.

@tricotou thanks for replying :slight_smile: I just wanted the middle intersected face (which is highlighted in red) to become a separate face and to be able to select it independently
p.s. the picture is just for demonstration, no any tool is used in it.

@xumu I will try, thank you