Unclutter Toolshelf

Hi is it possible to change the bl_info of an addon so that it will appear in another tab in the toolshelf?
What do I have to adjust in the script?
For example I want to have a tab “Hardsurface” and I will put in there Hardops, Cubers and Ice Tools pro, (bad example because that will be to poluted with those big addons).

I tried to addons with which you can control your tabs in Blender but have side-effects. So I want to do it manually.


It’s not on the bl_info , it’s in the class that define the panel :
You may find class that have things like bpy.types.Operator , you shouldn’t change them.

class VIEW3D_PT_somestuff(bpy.types.Panel): 
         bl_category = "Hardsurface" # <-- this is what you want to add/modify
         bl_label ="some stuff"
         bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D"
         bl_region_type = "TOOLS"

depending on the addon you may have several panel to change, try to do a search on bl_category in the .py files of the addon .

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@burnin Ah, that is what i need. Very simple, just doing that one thing I was looking for.
@sozap thanks, ah, so bl_category. If need I can use that as well. Good to know, slowly I will learn some Python in Blender.

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yeah, knowing a bit of python can be very useful, that said all the interface code for blender is not the most straightforward part to start with.

Turns out that that is the easiest way.
Nice to have control myself :smiley: