[ABANDONED!] Undecided

Nice update there. I have this idea to show that the alien already got old, maybe just add beard etc. and those following him would be his kids and grandkids (the current un-bearded version), further implicating that they still can’t decide even after many generations has passed. But of course, it’s your decision. :grinning:

About setting the thumbnail, though it has been noted in the FAQ, I myself find it a bit confusing at first before realizing it’s as ‘easy’ as it need to be : just add " |thumbnail " after the image size in the code line after you upload am image for the thumbnail, just don’t forget the vertical slash ( | ) before ‘thumbnail’.

As an example, below is the code you get after uploading an image :


I set the image display size in the post to half hence the ‘50%’ but it’s optional and won’t affect the thumbnail, and here’s where you should insert the code for setting the thumbnail (highlighted) :


Hope this solves it.