Making a series of props and scenes for what may or may not turn into a game.
Beginning of story:
Underearth EDO - 2100
All countries above the equator and those connected to them are united under one govournment and are now known as the Highlanders. Countries below the equator which include Australia, Indonesia, New Zealand and Antartica where called Underearth. Underearth was the only thing standing in the way of the Highlanders reach of the south pole and a source of infinite energy by use os Sub-zero Reactors which use the freezing temperatures to create mass amounts of energy.
The Highlanders although united have struggled to sustain themselves as Africa their main source of minerals has almost been depleted. Underearth is prospering as Australia countains mass amounts of minerals, metals and fossil fuels.
The Highlanders see Underearth as an unclean society for not turning to Sub-zero energy and believe that the only way to change them is through force. A war has raged for near on 23 years and the Highlanders have become increasingly desperate and send as a last resort a lone sleeper agent into Underearth. In the end she will choose wether The Highlanders or Underearth will rule.
You play as Elieve a 19 year old student at Highlanders Grand Marshal University as you sit in your dormatory late at night a group of 3 men break in and tie your hands and cover your head.
1st man says, she will be perfect for trade.
2nd man says, only if she can work.
3rd man says, nah she’s a real looker this one she’ll defenitely sell.
Fade to black.
Fade in.
The cover over your head is pulled off and you find yourself straped to a chair inside a cylindrical cockpit. You look around and see the three men talking at one end of the cylinder and can only faintly here some of the words. One of the men notices you.
1st man says, hey boys she’s awake now.
The three men walk towards you and one comes right to your ear.
1st man says, bout time you woke up missy, I was begining to worry just a little. Pre adrenaline does tend to knock out most people but only for an hour or so.
Man pulls out a large suringe from his coat.
1st man says, you where out for about three. Now this next part is gonna hurt alot but straight after you will feel invinsable.
The man shows you the lable on the suringe which says "Mark 2 Adrenaline.
1st man says, the pre adrenaline prepares the body for the mark 2 stuff. It allows the muscles to use more oxygen making them stronger. You’ll be hiting about 15 G’s when we send you and you have to be awake to survive it all.
Man raises suringe and thrusts it into your chest. You let out a scream.
The cylinder you are in then rotates to the side fitting inside an enourmous barrel of an artillery weapon. You look sideways to see the three men begin to close the hatch you entered through. And in the distance you see a violent flash of light followed by one a bit closer and so on. You realise its is and artillery strike and suddenly you are thrust back into your chair and are shooting through the sky.