I’m doing a scene with a giant grub in it, the most interesting aspect is that the grub has a lightbulb in its tail which should theoretically be the only source of light in the scene (which is obviously a horrible way of lighting a scene, which is the main thing I’m trying to deal with. Also, my goal is to make the grub as realistic as I possibly can.
My current approach is a combination of ambient occlusion and radiosity to make it seem like most of the light is coming from the lightbulb:
the tunnel is a bit too perfect and circular imo
try modelling little chunks of dirt, messing around with the vertices in the exit of the tunnel so it isn’t too round, and maybe add a little bit of stuff hanging from the top - it doesn’t seem like much, but i bet it really could improve the quality
you also might want to add a few bump or ‘normal’ textures too
hope i helped
Quite a bit different from the thing you have going on right now. Of course, the above picture is grotesquely realistic, and you might want to stick to a simpler, more cartoony style.
Stick with radio and the bulb emitting, but amp up the translucency on the body to near max , and make it emit a small amount of light, too. Additive only AO might help, as well.
I think Fudje’s idea with the lighting would work. I’d suggest adding more detail to the tunnel. Try having the rubble you have stuck half out of the walls of the tunnel, and half burried in the floor. Roots, mold and other bits of organic matter is good too, but may be more trouble moddeling than you want.
Advice put a point of focus in your mind that will guide to your picture that will be the center of your camera then play with your imagination in this constrains ok?
Yeah it is a little too dark. And plus there is almost never ever pure darkness, Ambient Occlusion would help. I see what your making, but tunnels like that, that insects make have many branching tunnels with lots of holes or pits. If you’ve ever dug up an ant hill or a termite hill you’ll see it’s a maze of interlocking tunnels on top of each other.