undersea render-rocks and ships


video now working

hey guys, ive been putting my new laptop to the test and it seems to be breezing through it :smiley:

i made this the other day, just a broke pirate ship on the oceans floor. ill add more to it, but what im really digging is the rock material, i though the normals mats on blender were no good for anything to complex, but they seem to rock when you get a grasp on them.

ill post the settings if any one wants them

here is a render of the material on a rock, what do you think?


here is also a large render that i edited slightly to show what the normal blender textures can do :slight_smile:


I like that first pic! Maybe not underwater rock…I dunno, i like the mettallic thing…

Nice! Maybe too green … are you on AMD by any chance ?

thanks for the comments guys, yea maybe ill go back and look over it. lots to green lol

im running Intel based chip, its only a core solo but it totally kicks my PC’s ass haha

Very nice even low res. Maybe you would be interested in this

I think it may be very useful as a mask for underwater animations :slight_smile:

Have you seen real underwater footage? As I remember from seeing them everything doesn’t seem to wave like in some of those older 2D games.

Very interesting though, Blender will have quite a few new node goodies for 2.43.

Wow thats looks readly good - lol can you post the settings, im interested :D. I like the under-water render, not so much as an under-sea shot, more like one taken in a murky river.

Would you share the .blend? I’m working on an underwater thing and I’d love to see your approach :slight_smile:

hey guys, i can send an email with a .blend file containing the settings, just PM your email address and ill send it, :slight_smile:

wow that material is really well done, wish I ws able to make it, did you use nodes… Picutre looks very good but did you use gimp in bottom right of pic?

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