Uneven Bevel - Blender 2.80

Hi Guys,
I am having an issue with bevel tool, When I try to bevel an edge it is not evenly beveling please see the pic to understand my problem. I have googled to fix his and found a solution here

He is fixing this by applying all the object level transforms inside the mesh and clearing out the transform data.
I tried this method but still my bevel is not working properly

Is there any other reason for this to happen?
Please some one help

Screen shot:


Could you share a .blend file? An uneven scale should be the only reason this issue occurs.

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I tried restarting the scene once. It works. Thank you !

It’s caused by uneven scale of the object. There’s no need to reset the scene. You only need to press CTRL+A and apply scale. You can check object’s scales in the N panel. If you want predictable results of modifiers (especially when using real world measurements) keep all at 1.

Hey cdog,
Yes I understand that. But I have tried applying the transforms muliple times and then it doesnt seems to work. Thats what I have mentioned in the post as well. Then after restarting blender it was working fine.

Thanks for replying!

What exactly did you apply? Scale? Rotation? Location? Cross check that you applied Scale.

i applied all. :expressionless: . it is solved!. thank you