Unhide object-mode issue

Currently if you are in object mode and unhide with alt-h all collections will be exposed. Is there a way to change this behaviour to unhide only the objects last hidden? Or at least the objects within the active collection only? Otherwise things can get out of control rather quickly when you start building up larger scenes.

I’m new to blender so I may be wrong but I don’t think so. What you could do though is out your objects on another layer by clicking M.
hope it helps

That is a work around the issue though.

My main concern is that Show Hidden(alt-h) toggles the visibility for all hidden collections when it should affect only the last hidden objects or the ones in the previously visible collections.

i think i see what you mean. The pressing alt + H to unhide all collections not just the one selected is kinda odd and very irritating. I have been using the tv icon to hide collections I dont want to alt + H but I can see what you mean there.

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I think the issue is more to do with the fact that Alt+H in Object mode is for unhiding all hidden objects. It does so regardless of whether you hid them one by one, all at once or hid them based on their Collection. You are not hiding Collections. You are hiding Objects by Collection. What you really probably need is a shortcut to toggle the ‘Disable Collection in Viewport’ thingie which isn’t then effected by unhiding all Objects.

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I can see the logic on that explanation but still that makes the alt-h barely useful for a scene with at least few docen objects. The workflow seemed more convenient and less clicky in previous Blender versions.
Another option would be to have a “show last hidden” button.

Silly question: why aren’t you making more use of Local View instead of hiding and unhiding?

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They both have their usage and complement each other nicely, for example if you want to alternatively work on few elements (in the same layer) of a big set while having the rest hidden, I would first hide everything but those few objects and then isolate back and forth between them until I’m done, then I would “Show Hidden” expecting only those visible layers to be shown. Every other program I used in the past allowed for this including Blender but it has been made slightly more complex in this new version.

I forgot to mention, as @masterxeon1001 and @JohnMalcolm1970 pointed out, the “disable collection in viewport” option does the job, unfortunately, it also disables the visibility inside the “Collections Visibility” widget making it impossible to manage it from within the viewport. A solution would be to keep them inside that viewport menu and add the tv icon in there, something like that.

Currently using feb14 2.8 nightly build, is anyone experiencing this issue: unhiding objects hidden in local mode also globally unhides all objects? Unhiding objects in local view in 2.79 did not unhide any objects outside of local view, I loved this function, hopefully they bring it back.

My outliner does not even have a tv icon. Im a long time blender user and just started on 2.8 now to use eevee for a project. The unhide is terrible… alt h just shows everything. Even if I clicked on the arrow icon ( disable object selection in viewport ) , even if the collection root itself is hidden - it still gets shown.

This is really a step backwards from previous blender. They need to give some thought to this now because currently it is useless. If you have many many collections with many many children all with various visibility. It is now impossible to use the hide command because when you unhide … it will destroy your entire scene visibility setup… and for a big project that is 30 minutes of having to go through every single object and set it to the correct state again.

I love the collections idea and having more than 10 available , just they need to sort out how to do this now.

Everything seems to work as expected now for me.

Here you can find the filter icons to be shown in the outliner.

But with the eye icon alone I can hide the layer I don’t want to see and hide/unhide meshes works fine and doesn’t reveal other hidden collections as it used to happen.

You can alternatively use the collection visibility toggle inside the 3d view sidebar.

mm, thanks , i dont have those icons, i better update my blender, i think it is a month or two old already.

thank for the input