Universal 3D Shortcuts

Universal 3D Shortcuts is a collection of keyboard shortcuts, scripts, and plugins designed to unify your experience with 3D programs. With over 200-300 modified/considered keyboard shortcuts per program, Universal 3D Shortcuts aims to unify the navigation and hotkeys of various 3D programs, allowing you to focus on your work without the distraction of switching between different interfaces. Whenever possible, the original hotkeys are preserved to minimize disruption to your workflow.

:zap:Currently supported: Blender, Maya, Cinema 4D

Command Reference & Customization

The document containing the list of keyboard shortcuts can be used as a command reference to find the same command across different 3D programs. Additionally, if you prefer to customize your own navigation or keyboard shortcuts, you can easily change them in each program to better suit your workflow.


Possible Issues

This project was made and tested by me alone, so mistakes are possible. The most complex and problematic integration of hotkeys was in Blender, so the probability of errors there is the highest.

The keyboard shortcuts are tested on the following program versions:

  • Maya 2023.2
  • Cinema 4D 2023
  • Blender 3.4 (probably won’t work on older versions)



  1. Copy files in downloaded “Marking Menus” folder and paste them to Documents\maya\YOUR MAYA VERSION\prefs\markingMenus
  2. In Maya go to: Windows → Settings/Preferences → Hotkey Editor
  3. Click on setting
    icon and then “Import”
  4. Select “Universal.mhk” in downloaded folder

Cinema 4D

  1. Copy files in downloaded “Scripts” folder and paste them to:
    %AppData%\Maxon\YOUR CINEMA 4D VERSION\library\scripts
  2. (Optional) Install Drop to Floor by Alpha Pixel
  3. In Cinema4D go to: Windows → Command Manager → File → Load
  4. Select “Universal.res” in downloaded folder

Blender (With Addons)

In this case, the missing functionality of Blender is augmented with the help of the third-party addons.

  1. Copy the files in the “With Addons” folder and paste them to:
    %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\YOUR BLENDER VERSION

:warning: WARNING. This method will overwrite your Blender preferences. And restarting some addons may break shortcuts associated with the addon. You might want to create a backup before replacing files.

Blender (Without Addons)

In this case, no addons will be used for installation.

  1. In Blender go to: Blender Preferences → Keymap → Import
  2. Select “Universal_WO_Addons.py” in downloaded folder

With Addons vs Without Addons

With Addons

The version with addons contains the following addons:

Note: If you are the developer of any of these add-ons and do not wish for them to be used, please reach out to me.

Updating Addons

You can update add-ons, but you may need to configure their corresponding keyboard shortcuts in order for them to function properly.

Without Addons

:x: The following commands and keyboard shortcuts are missing in the version without addons:

Command Shortcut
Assign New Material Alt-A
Group Ctrl-G
Ungroup Shift-G
Drop It Ctrl-Alt-Shift-Z
Assign Default Material Ctrl-Alt-Shift-L
Set Pivot to Bottom Ctrl-Shift-C
Mirror Alt-Shift-M
Merge Tool Ctrl-W
Sculpting menu (Sculpt Mode) W

:recycle: These shortcuts hanged to built-in commands:

Command Shortcut
Select D
Delete X
Hide H
Clean Up Shift-Alt-D
Separate Ctrl-Alt-Shift-S


:heart: Appreciate any feedback and suggestions. Now I am looking for a way to make keyboard shortcuts available in a wider range of Blender versions and any help is welcome :sparkles:

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