Why is it that in the attached Blender 2.54 file, when I select all objects and then perform [ALT][P] Clear parent and keep transform, the cubes making the roof change rotation?
I would have thought “keep transform” would prevent this. The cubes were animated, and I have cleared the animation keys, though I expect they may be the underlying cause. What I would like to know is why, and how can I properly clean the file?
I just looked at the file briefly, specifically the objects named cube03 and cube04, and yes when you clear the parent they change rotation. So I looked in the outliner, and I can’t find anything they are parented to. Usually when an object is parented to another, it’s name appears under the parent object, and the child name is indented. I cannot locate any object that has any children objects at all, and I opened them all with the ‘+’ sign. Ctrl-a -> apply rot results in a skewed object, cube03 I’m talking about. However, Ctrl-a -> apply scale, then Ctrl-a -> apply rotation fixes it in place as is in your file.