UNREAL ENGINE No Longer Free in 2024? 👀

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Anyone already got all Megascans assets into his FAB account the official way?
It looks like they’re still working on it…

I did it the other day and it seems to be working.

I see the green check next to Megascans claimed, but I have to manually DL them to my library.
Is there easier way now?
i don’t really need al xx.000 of assets, but manually going through a set of interesting ones would take a lot of time :wink:

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Yeah, it is terrible at the moment. I hope they will offer an addon or something that makes the import process better.


Fab as a whole is terrible.


I haven’t really looked into it as I only use Megascans now and then, but how is the process now with the Bridge plugin from FAB? Or how will it be? I wonder if it’s still just a matter of sending the asset to UE in a click?

There is no bridge. You download fbx and png files with cryptic names and import and set up the shaders by hand.

That is very bad indeed if they just leave it like that and don’t implement the bridge.

But not for Blender like with Bridge, afaik.

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They will probably fix that at some point as they intend to sell new quixel stuff. This whole launch was… not very smooth.

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