Until I have something worthwhile...

Alright… I’ve played with blender since 1.6 (maybe before that). Unfortunately, I don’t have a lot to show for it. I’m working on a biggish project now, so you will soon have an onslaught of works in progress.

In the meantime, here’s some non-blender, non-3d work that I’ve done:

Short hand-drawn animation I did… mostly as a joke

A 8 ft x 9 ft airbrush on paper on plywood piece I did over 7 years ago sorry for the crappy photograph, it’s all that’s left of this one:

An airbrush piece that I am currently using for my avatar:

And a color pencil self-portrait I did based on one of M.C. Escher’s classic pieces:

BTW, for hosting I use Mr. Hostbot. Very cool service they offer for a super-cheap price.

C & C welcome… more to come.

Well your artwork is superb, I can only comment “wow” especially because I can’t do any arwork whatsoever.

But I simply have to ask, what is so special about mr. hostbot?

Alright… I realize it kinda sounded like a plug. That wasn’t the intent. I stumbled on it one day when I was looking for a place to host crap, but I didn’t need a full-featured host with a real website or anything. I run a small server on my DSL line, but I’d rather not tie that up with people downloading my art n’ stuff. I just needed a place with a lot of a space and a lot of bandwidth where I could put crap. I saw someone else using Mr. Hostbot n’ checked it out. Seemed cool. Virtually unlimited space and a Gig of bandwidth for something like $10. Figured I’d give it a try. Not too bad so far. It’s been two months and I haven’t used my full Gig yet.

Alright… enough of that crap… what about my art? :smiley:

Wow man, I really love that first one, especially the colors. Are you familiar with the surrealist ‘Remedios Varo’? If not, you really should check out her work. She has this style of luminescent layered color on gesso’d masonite that is very striking. Your first painting reminds me a bit of it.

Thanks a lot. That first one is actually a bit of the inspiration for the animation I’m beginning. Hopefully I’ll have some starter models for people to look at in the next few days (either that, or some character sketches).

the hand on the last one is superb , tho the pose doesnt fit with the reflected one hehe and the little finger has a strange pose in the reflection :wink:

That last one was based on M.C. Escher’s classic Hand with Reflecing Sphere. I re-created it in color pencil and put my own head in place of his (and added color). The proportions I used were the same as his.