
Is this still the case with Blender 2.41, and Windows XP ?

I’ve looked and can’t find a ‘b.blend’ file. I ran a neat utility called ‘filemon’ (sysinternals.com), when I started up blender, it didn’t report any ‘.blend’ files being opened.

I tried saving a ‘b.blend’ file in a variety of locations (c:;c:\blender;c:\blender.blender), so I could have a custom ‘untitled.blend’ file open when blender starts or when choosing ‘new’ from the file menu. Is there a magic file name /location to do this ?


It’s B.blend and probably in C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\Blender Foundation\Blender.blender

Start up Blender, choose how you want it to start up (without cube, with a cylinder, face mode selected or vertices mode selected), then hit Ctrl+U.

Thanks ! That did the trick.

Funny thing, if I just try to save over the b.blend file, the defaults don’t change, but CTRL-U is obviously doing something different.


That file wasn’t there, I tried saving a “B.blend” file there, no effect, but the CTRL-U thingy works :slight_smile:


What would be this for?