unwanted shiney faces out of place

okay, so iam making swords, and i have this problem where at the point of the sword, the faces are shiney and dont match the rest of the faces

this error shows up rendered in Unity3d … so this is a problem

i tried searching for the answer, and all i found was they suspected double verts… so i checked for double verts and there isnt any

i guess because it is such a small object?? this is like 1-2mm

how do i fix this ? please!

its not normals facing, the normals face correct direction:

ive tried deleting the problem area and re-extruding from farther up the sword again but it still happens… so i guess its just because its so small??

I have this problem on another sword too (ive only made these 2 so far)… why does this happen?

problem .blend file attached


sSB_1Gladius_GladiusFulham.blend (431 KB)

all the normals is fine. the reason you get that is because of the shading. its in order to make it easier for you to see each face. if you tilt the camera just a tiny bit, you will see that it changes completely.

if its bothering you, set the mesh to smooth, and add an edgesplit modifier.

here you go.


sSB_1Gladius_GladiusFulham.blend (423 KB)

thanks alot!!! cool! … yeah in Unity3d it was showing the problem even on the texture, even though its not entirely noticeable, i figure it may have become a serious problem down the way with bigger swords or axes or something

now it shows correctly!
