Hi, I’m making a rig in blender, however this issue seems to keep coming up.
I do not know what is causing these dark spots (there is one on the body too), I’ve shade smoothed it properly as well as recalculated normals, etc… I’ve tried everything. Just wondering if anyone has any solutions? Disabling shadow fixes it of course, but at quite the cost.
Ah, sorry! Disabling shadows removes all ambient shadows, so it’s not ideal to disable it, however it fixes it. As for better clarity, it’s quite hard but I will try to get a good screenshot.
The dot above the eyes is the issue and appears seemingly randomly.
Ahh… you means this spot… in the green circle ( ups too much jpg artefacts, because it was already a jpg and i saves again as…) !?
Now i see…
Hmm maybe because this is not a sphere ?? The yellow outline showed also by th eyellow arrow seems to be a bit “non-spheric” ?? Or maybe even soem texture seams ? (Because showed with the blue line there is a “mounth” and the darks discs seems to be the eyes.
The best way to fix it was disabling shadow only on some lights, however I still am curious as to how this happens, whether or not it’s intended or if it’s just a straight up bug with eevee next.