I unwrapped the tube and box faces. The tube is just fine…the box is dropping the UV texture for some reason. The textured view form the 3D window shows the label…but when I render, it’s gone. What are some possible reasons for this?
Have you actually given the box a material with a texture?
Post your blend file with texture.
Did you have this in mind? To make identical faces all around you simply pile 4 face UV over each other.
No, he wants to know why the texture appears in his 3D viewport, but not in his render.
Blender version would be intresting, yet better the .blend.
IIRC in 2.49 it happened when you choose a texture in the uv image editor, but forgot to set it in the material. Then it would show in the viewport, but not in the render.
Or if you disabled map to color, then it would still show in the viewport but not in render in 2.49 - I might be wrong with this one though. damn feels like years I used 2.49 last ^^