I’m trying to make my character’s armature bone track to an object when some condition happens, such as when click right mouse button for aiming I want it enable “track_to” bone constraint and disable it when button up. or track to another object when my character is near to.
after I spend some time searching internet. found some answer recommend using Armature Actuator, but I don’t get the point how to use it (don’t even sure if this a right way)
I have tried do it by myself. but constraint always track to an AimPoint.
I would like constraint disable when do nothing.
you need to use rebar execution on a permanent basis if some condition should lead to this, to control the bone, use an actuator with influence and value for it - it works like this: zero no influence the bone is not active values greater than 0.100 begin to add influence and the bone begins to work depending on the restriction that you have set for it, you can have for one bone there are several limiters that perform different actions and regulate it all through influence