I’m running into an issue that I hope someone can help me with. I have a demo file to help. essentially I am loading models into my game from external .blends and deleting them when I want to go to the next object.
I can load them in and delete them pretty consistently right up until a point randomly where the object spawns on screen but when I tell Blender to endObject() it refuses and says that it does not exist
It also does not seem to exist when I list all the objects in the game scene, yet it is rendering.
Here’s a demo project:
AssetSelectTest.zip (455.6 KB)
Here’s the script, I apologize for any bad parts, it’s not my wheelhouse:
import bge, bpy
import os
import os.path
import glob
bl = bge.logic
scene = bl.getCurrentScene()
cont = bl.getCurrentController()
own = cont.owner
bl.CurrentObjectIndex = 0
bl.currentobject = []
def AccessoryCycle():
cont = bl.getCurrentController()
own = cont.owner
cycleDirection = own.get("cycleDirection")
MouseOver = cont.sensors['MouseOver']
MouseClick = cont.sensors['MouseClick']
if MouseOver.positive and MouseClick.positive:
#List current Game objects and all bpy objects in Asset collections ***UPON ERROR THE GAME OBJECT WILL NOT BE LISTED DESPITE BEING RENDERED***
for existing in bge.logic.getSceneList()['Scene'].objects:
print ("GAME OBJECT:", existing)
#Lists BPY objects if of interest
#for obj in bpy.data.collections['Asset'].all_objects:
# print ("BPY OBJECT:", obj.name)
#Destroy objects in bl.currentobject and clear it
oldobjects = bl.currentobject
currentIndex = bl.CurrentObjectIndex
assetlistpaths = ListAssets()
newAssetPath, newIndex = CycleAsset(cycleDirection, assetlistpaths, currentIndex)
bl.CurrentObjectIndex = newIndex
#Load Asset and set old game objects to new assets
bl.currentobject = LoadAsset(newAssetPath)
def CycleAsset(cycleDirection, assetlistpaths, currentIndex):
#Get new asset path depending on which Next or Previous - also loop if at end or begining
assetlistpathslen = len(assetlistpaths)
newIndex = currentIndex +(cycleDirection)
if newIndex > assetlistpathslen -1:
newIndex = 0
elif newIndex < 0:
newIndex = assetlistpathslen -1
newAssetPath = assetlistpaths[newIndex]
print ("Reading Asset from", newAssetPath)
return newAssetPath, newIndex
def DestroyAsset(oldobjects):
for obj in oldobjects:
gameobject = scene.objects[obj.name]
def LoadAsset(newAssetPath):
objectpath = (newAssetPath)
objectlist = []
with bpy.data.libraries.load(objectpath, link=False) as (data_from, data_to):
data_to.objects = data_from.objects
for obj in data_to.objects:
gameobj = scene.convertBlenderObject(obj)
return objectlist
def ListAssets():
assetlistpaths = []
gamepath = bpy.path.abspath("//")
searchpath = os.path.join(gamepath, "Assets")
assetlistpaths = glob.glob((searchpath)+'*/*.blend', recursive=True)
return (assetlistpaths)
Here’s an image: