Hello. I’m hoping someone can guide me on tutorials. I just learned about this today and tried looking online(google) but couldn’t find a starting point to learn this. I have some basic python knowledge, no thanks to Ren’Py which made me go and learn actual python. I have very small experiences in Unreal Engine, Godot, and Unity. Though, these programs made me feel out of place and I have always felt at home with Blender. I’m actually pretty excited about this.
So, any help on how to get started is HIGHLY appreciated!
Also, for those of you who tried contacting me back in April… I’m really sorry. Had lost my PC due to what I thought was a Graphic Card issue. Turned out to be incompatible CPU stick thing. Removed those and PC came to life, weird bugger.
Though, how often do people talk in that server? Posted a message over 10 minutes ago and no one’s talking.
I also noticed that some of the channels are restricted and I don’t have access to talk or view messages.
maybe the easiest thing is to play with the logic bricks and figure out how they work. Another step is to learn the python API. But i highly recommend to first really understand how the bricks works as they will tutor you on the BGE spirit.
sensors : the bricks that trigger the pulses
controlers : the bricks that filter the pulses
actuators : the bricks doing the stuff
Beside the bricks, you have on the right panel the properties that will keep in mind your game values.
Just with that you can start doing some stuff that works. You gonna actually learn quickly in the beginning . But once you gonna want to go further, you gonna have to look in the docs . For the “know how” … it’s gonna be about watching lot of tutorials on youtube
Spot the BGE youtubers : CGSky , ThaTimster, John Hamilton … there are plenty !
Also, don’t pay too much attention on graphic quality of stuff you see on internet. Those are often old videos and made by clueless newbies that cannot set things right. With proper use of materials, shaders and textures the results are quite good enough for an indie game.