Hi BlenderArtists,
The UPBGE team is proud to announce its first splash-screen contest!
Theme: Parallax
Duration: 2 weeks from now (A counter will be made)
Price: Your artwork will be featured in future releases (0.1.3, 0.1.4 or 0.1.5).
The picture:
- Must use antialiasing.
- The format must be PNG, and the resolution, 1920x1080.
- The picture must be made at runtime.
The .blend has to be shared freely.
Respect legal rules about content sharing but feel free to use free content.
All the .blends have to be done with these builds of the last upbge master:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3GouQIyoCmrRkpsM3ZIeHUweHM/view?usp=sharing -
The goal is not to test performance but create a nice screenshot.
When we open the .blend and press P we must see exactly the same thing as in the picture.
The textures shared in upbge team .blend demos can’t be reused.
Once all the entries will be finished, we’ll do a .blend pack shared on the first page.
The late entries will maybe be added in the .blend pack but will not be accepted for vote.
.blend size is limited to 50 Mo (you can compress).
The file shared must be an archive with an unique .blend (with all textures packed inside) + the Contest final picture (screenshot at runtime).
You can use all the bge/upbge features contained in the build but you have to use parallax at least on 1 object.
The notation must be based only picture (not on the .blend).
When you submit an entry, you have to write a title in these forms: “Entry: AuthorName, SceneName”
Then in the post you join your archive + a comment if you want. -
All .blends must be shared in this thread.
All pictures must be shared in this thread too.
All what is related to this contest must be discussed in this thread.
No other topic about this contest must be opened.
The reason of these last rules are that upbge content is not blender official content
and even if upbge is close to bge, it’s a separate engine, and the users have to
know that the content on this thread is made/will only work on upbge.
- Since there is no money and no big stake, the BA community will vote.
- We’ll ask someone that already organized a contest to know how to do the vote system.
- In the case of placed equal at the end of the vote, the upbge team will decide beetween.
Parallax help:
- Tutorials:
- Create parallax texture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCUeJbKz-Xc&t=14s
- Use parallax in Blender: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDIYRslNHCw&t=110s
Tips: Parallax works fine only on some type of textures. This is fine for stone walls, brick walls… But if you play with and understand the concept, you can surely find other shiny usages for parallax.
Basically, you need a texture with contrast beetween clear and dark zones. First you have to do a greyscale like in the video. If you want to replace the clear with the dark, or the dark with the clear, you can invert colors in Gimp.
What is important to understand is that this greyscale will be the alpha channel of your parallax texture. In the parallax shader, the depth of the texture is computed according to this alpha channel. Dark zones will be deep and clear zones will be high. When you make your greyscale, you can use the Gimp blur filter (several times if needed) to smooth transition beetween high and deep zones.
Then you can create your normal map using the plugin I linked in the video tutorial.
If you have an RGB image, just add an alpha channel to it, then decompose it per channel (RGBA). Replace the empty alpha channel with your greyscale (merge down greyscale into your alpha channel).
Then recompose your image (still in RGBA). At this stage you normally have a functionnal parallax texture for upbge, so you can export as PNG.
You can of course use advanced Gimp options to improve parallax texture quality.