UPBGE's Community Addon

I don’t really need anything the addon does yet.

do you want to checkout the map editor?
its pretty well designed…

you don’t have real instancing in the viewport or lamp LOD (dynamic lamp shuffling)

Ok, when i have something i would share. Bloom and glow are one of the most used filters, so heres one from the dead project: Soft Look

uniform sampler2D bgl_RenderedTexture;
void main()
 vec4 sum = vec4(0);
 vec2 texcoord = vec2(gl_TexCoord[0]).st;
 int j;
 int i;
 //int samples=2;
 //float alpha= 0.40; 
 int samples=2;
 float alpha=0.80;
 float range=0.002;
 for( i= -samples ;i < samples; i++)
  for (j = -samples; j < samples; j++)
   sum += texture2D(bgl_RenderedTexture, texcoord + vec2(j, i)*range) * alpha;
 gl_FragColor = sum*sum*0.005+(texture2D(bgl_RenderedTexture, texcoord)/1.2);
 gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;

In the Thirdperson when you press back(s) and left or right keys it goes in the wrong dir.

Thanks for the filter. Since I’m porting filters from the 2DFilters addon (on the resource forum), I think that filter was already there, but thanks anyway. However, well I have not tested it, but it looks very simple, is this a the full bloom effect? (not that I know about bloom). I intend the shaders to be as complete as possible, if you look at my implementation of the Vignette filter, I’ve added color selection, for the ToonLine, I’ve added smothness, bright, and border color, etc… I would like all the 2DFilters on the addon to be as complete as that when possible.

So what this means is, I won’t port it immediately, since I have first to document me more about that particular effect, but I’ll definitively add it soon enough. Or if you want, you can try porting it, wich, without modifications like the ones I want to make, should be very easy.

EDIT: As I though that shader looked too simple. It basically makes everything glow, not only the light sources. It also has some magic numbers that should actually be replaced by the samples variable and uses the naive aproch of blur, wich is O(n^2), wich is fine as long as you don’t want to make a very impressive glow. This is the real deal: https://learnopengl.com/#!Advanced-Lighting/Bloom

Of course it is much more complicated to implement. I’ve seen various posts in the forum of people trying to make it and failing miserably, the most noticable one: https://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?412682-Pixelated-Bloom-2d-filter

As things go, I’ll proably be the next to try, and maybe also the next to fail miserably.

In the Thirdperson when you press back(s) and left or right keys it goes in the wrong dir.

Ahh, you feel that becouse you’ve parented the camera. I feel it’s perfectly fine without parenting XD. I’ll add a bool to choose if you want to invert the direction when going back, thanks for pointing this out.

P.S Notice that you can create a mario game easily by setting the turn speed to 0 and changing the keys. I don’t know if this should be the correct behavior but oh well.

I see, thx for the explanation. I like where this addon is going. Maybe this vid could help with the bloom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyoSSoYyfVU&t=318s
Here is an link to the original dead project: http://opengameart.org/content/3rd-person-blender-sci-fi-pack