[Update 2007/01/09 win] BF + particule bug fixe

Hello Jahka has releaser the first release of his new particle patch : info

I made a compilation on windows, you can download at Graphicall
The archive have some exemple.

If you found bugs or have idea feel free to contact at the adress : jhkarh at utu.fi

Good play.

On November 23rd, Jahka made a new patch with some bug fixes (don’t know what is corrected).
Download the executable on GraphicAll:

This is simply awesome.

“react_to_collision.blend” would be fantastic for making rain effects.

Problem is that dupliverts don’t seem to be working (or am I doing something wrong?).

I’ve also realised I would love to be able to turn particle strands into curves. Is this possible?


Koba: Nice to hear you like my particles :slight_smile: To have duplicated objects you have to select dupverts in mesh settings & set object or group as particle visualization. On particle strands to curves… hmm… that would make a LOT of curves… but we’ll see if we can make individual strands/particles editable sometime in the future.

i live the explode feature

I was reading on Blendernation that some builds will kill rigs, does this apply to these builds?

Seeing you are here Jahka, let me report a bug.

Add an Icosphere. Switch on dupliverts. Set Visualisation to “object” and reference “Sphere”. That works (thanks btw). Now delete the sphere.

I get a crash.

I’ve also noticed that metaballs aren’t supported (insane I know but it should work nonetheless!). As for creating loads of curves with my suggestion…that is the point! ; - )

The ability to actually edit the particle system on a particle by particle basis would also be great!


no those bugs effected build on the 19th to the early part of 21st of november

Holy. Crap.

I love you. I love you I love you I love you I LOVE YOU LOVE LOVE LOVE.

You have no IDEA how long I’ve been trying to figure out what you have done with your magnificent brain.

I would get a gender change and bear your manchildren. If I won a million dollars I’d give it to you and pay you to take it. ARRRRGGGH! AWESOMENESS IS COOKING MY BRAAAAAIN. explodes

Most excellent! This is just what I needed. Thanks a lot.

OMG, that’s just awesomely wicked! :eek:

Very cool. Only problem I noticed was that I couldn’t map textures to the strand shader…

nice… thanks… Been playing around with the pariticles and emitting object and crashing them into things fun… thanks… Any hope of voxels or is it there?

These are great feature for the particle system, keep them coming :slight_smile:

HOLY CRAP! flipping amazing, ive been waiting so long…

I hereby officially instruct the code monkey to integrate the patch in the upcoming Blender release and to update the BSoD part relevant to Particles.
Make it so…

It’s awesome!

I love the “hair” system with some control panels.

What a good jobbbbb ! :slight_smile:

I need another closer look…

Has the hair system been upgraded as such - specifically for hair? Or have I missed something (again).


Here’s a bug, I was using the explode modifier on a cheap model of the death-star I whipped up (j’4w3s0m3-looking, explosion starts at 8 and ends at 10, particle life 250, force applied is normal -80, damping .1, motion blur on.)

Anyway, so, I wanted to check what more detail would look like, so I subdivided it and tried it, and it rendered a lot slower, so I decided to undo the subdivision. I went into edit-mode, undid the subdivision, exited edit-mode and blender stalled and then locked up.

This is awesome, Im hooked, but was wondering if anyone could help with one thing…

I am morphing the shape the particles form, and the location they are in over time. I am using the harmonic effector, and it looks cool. However, I would love to be able to avoid objects in the way.

Deflection isnt really what Im looking at as the particles bounce off the object. Im more looking for the effect of a swarm of insects avoiding an object.

Any ideas?


I make a first tuts on explosion, I thing it’s good to begin : you can found at http://lecocqguillaume.chez-alice.fr/Tuts/Explode/explode2.html

Hope it helps.
Edit : 2nd tuts about harmonic effect : http://lecocqguillaume.chez-alice.fr/Tuts/Harmonics/Harmonics1.html