Update - Beer ;)

Quick and dirty yafray hdri test :wink:
Modelled in Blender + yablex

I think this is final version of this picture. This is only HDRI test :wink:[/b]

Wow, perfect, I want drink it… It is so cool, the beer is fantastic.
Only critic is, that the tabel look like glass or marble, and not like wood, or I think, or see wrong and this is Stone or so… but anyway looks good.

WOW!! Looks just like the one I have in my hand right now!! :wink:

Great job on the glass, the beer and especially the foam. Looks perfect! I have to agree about the table though. Way too shiny for wood.


My Dad and I got a kick out of this one even though neither of us drink-

mmm… beer… :wink:

MMMMMMM…beer… TH3 N3KT4R 0F TH3 G0DZ :wink:

Thanks for comments :wink:
I changed table texture and now it’s look better.

Now is the table better, but you should make it harder (more contrast (less brightness), and make it sharpher…, because it look to soft…, little blurry), and it could be that I’m the only one but I need the shadow on the table, what the glass made…, or if that exist on the table, then than is not enough strong, I say that because it look to me if the glass fly or so…, but maybe my first suggest help by this… The beer (and glass) is perfect it look so real, gratulation.

You’re right. With more shadow it looks better :wink: Thanks.
I think it’s time to finish this picture and think about something new. This is only test :wink:

That was just a test, Wow…, If that was JUST ONLY a TEST, how would be look a REAL WORK… Wow… Great job…

“Scream” is my real work :wink:

hmm, it’s still full?


MMMMMmmmmm… that looks good. I think i’m going to go to the fridge to get some REAL beer now, except i’ll make mine without the head (phooey!) :wink:

one of the best yafray pics i ever saw - most of em look just like plastic to me :wink:

… because of this i am going to have a look at yafray too :wink:

really nice , only crit is that the beer doesn’t look cold…maybe you can add some drops of water on the glass to make it look cold (like in the commercials)

Yes I really like this one.

Great materials. Share? :wink:

Are those tiny bubbles inside the glass or am I seeing things? Also, i think you could make good use of Metaballs for those water drops…

Very good work, but i the foam reminds me more of creme on a capuccino (spelling might be wrong), because the bubbles in it are too small. However i don’t know what kind of beer people drink in your country. =)

Here is glass material:

<texture name="drops" type="image">
		<filename value="/home/grzybu/blender/tekstury/drops.jpg" />

<shader type = "generic" name = "glass.mat">
		<color r="0.000000" g="0.000000" b="0.000000" />
		<specular r="0.776316" g="0.789474" b="0.789474" />
		<reflected r="1.000000" g="1.000000" b="1.000000" />
		<transmitted r="1.000000" g="1.000000" b="1.000000" />
		<hard value = "500.000000"/>
		<IOR value = "1.400000"/>
		<min_refle value = "0.200000"/>
		<fast_fresnel value = "off"/>
	<modulator texname="drops" mode="mul" size="1.000000" 
		sizex="1.000000" sizey="1.000000" sizez="1.000000" >
		<normal value="0.080001" />

m00 = "0.156890" m01 = "0.000000" m02 = "0.000000" m03 = "-3.102750" 
m10 = "0.000000" m11 = "0.000000" m12 = "-0.156890" m13 = "-0.109168" 
m20 = "0.000000" m21 = "0.222917" m22 = "0.000000" m23 = "1.271707" 
m30 = "0.000000" m31 = "0.000000" m32 = "0.000000" m33 = "1.000000" 

<object name = "glass" shader_name = "glass.mat" caus_IOR = "1.400000" recv_rad = "on" emit_rad ="on" 
	shadow = "off">
		<caus_tcolor r = "1.000000" g = "1.000000" b = "1.000000"/>
		<caus_rcolor r = "1.000000" g = "1.000000" b = "1.000000" />
		<mesh    autosmooth = "30.0" > 
		<include file = "./Meshes/glass.xml.gz" />

How you can see water drops are just bumpmapping :wink:
Final version is now on the start of the thread.

the first beer looked better but your wood is far more better. well what can i say about your drawing…mm… IT’S WORTH A BEER [!] :stuck_out_tongue: