UPDATE: Bitching again

Whoops, yep. I added an excerpt of the first scene of my little Doggy project called “El Show de la Chicha” in my WIP page.

Please check out and comment !

http://malefico3d.com.ar/gallery/chicha3d-en.html (english version)

http://malefico3d.com.ar/gallery/chicha3d.html (spanish one)



Cool :o , i like a lot the “mimos” video, its soo cute and the movements are quite realistic!


I didn’t download the video…but your pic look cool! This little dog is very cute! :wink: I’ll download the video when I return to home. Keep up the good work!


First scene updated. Some RVK work added and “sliding” walkcycles fixed (almost done). Check out at the bottom of the page.

malefico3d.com.ar/gallery/chicha3d.html (spanish texts)

malefico3d.com.ar/gallery/chicha3d-en.html (english texts)

Comments are welcome.

the dog looks cute :slight_smile:

I think it looks better without the toon shading though.
I’ll try downloading the movies tomorrow and give more comments.

general comment about your site: the background has a really eyebugging flickering effect when scrolling the page (I’m using IE 6.0).


These are great. Nice to see how they progress. The last one is fantastic, love the movements and the changing camera viewpoint at the end. Well done , keep it up.

Sweeeeeeet :slight_smile:


Thanx people ! :smiley:

Theeth: have you seen a doctor ? :wink: OK, I’ll find a way to fix it.

Stay tuned, more scenes coming soon ! :smiley:

well, I don’t that a psychiatrist can do anything for that… :stuck_out_tongue:

about the movies, I tried playing them, but I get a codec error for everyone of them except mimos.avi which is really weird, since I guess you used the same codec for all of them, right?



uhm… that’s really strange… I could open the video with VirtualDub, so I recompressed them and I could review them alright.

in trote.avi: what’s the black whole you see when he’s facing away? And please, don’t tell me it’s his arse :stuck_out_tongue:

That will probably sound harsh, but GET RID OF THE TOON SHADING! Personnaly, I think it looks aweful.

What’s the weird camera jump in toma4.avi? Did the cameraman fall or something?

It looks like you did a good job on the rigging.


OK Martin, here I go:

  1. About the codec, they were all compressed with divx4 using mencoder. Several people told me they have problems watching the videos, I don’t know why. I run linux and there is no problem using mplayer. :-?

  2. The only sequence really worth commenting about is toma4.avi since all previous are a “making-of” kind of thing. No, the black hole is not part of my dog anatomy :smiley: . It was fixed in the following clips.

  3. The “jump” in the camera is made at purpose. In the short, chicha is supposed to somehow make the “cameraman” drop his camera accidentally.


Thank you for your comments !

