Update on the SW Kid


Seems he got the last laugh!


I don’t think that 250,000$ will repair the damage that has been done to his soul…

I would really wish to see those kids that did it to him, to be “paid” with the same “currency”…

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A patition by SW fans to get him a part in SW III?
You think George would go for that?

Be cool if he did!

I just watchhed the movie and it is kinda funny.
There are a lot more embarrising things you can do to get yourself known.
It’s regretfull that he was mocked on so much that he had to go to a psychiatric clinic. I hope he can level himself out and win something other than money from this thing.


did he win the lawsuit???


the lawsuit is still in progress. but he did win an ipod…that’s as much as I could dig up.

well this is all old news

i have known that for a long time, so i don’t see why its being posted know as NEW news!!!

Hmmm i know its interesting but its months old.

p.s. about the ipod well its actually about $4500 he has gotten, not jsut an ipod


The sad thing is that in most cases, no ipod, no money, no nothing can get you out of the labyrinth, once they push you in…

:< :< :< :< :< :<

I know, what I meant is this.
I hoped that he wins something moraly, so that he gets stronger instead of weaker.
For a pubberescent person it’s extremely humiliiating to go through something like this. But when he gets a liittle older it will make him stronger.
at least thats my opinion.

i agree with that last staement


Hey there’s always salvation!!! :wink:

But believe me sometimes the kind of strength you gain from such experiences, is the kind of strength one shouldn’t wish to have…

Captain Hook used to be a poor little child, with out a mommy… :-? :expressionless:

being mocked and laughed at is from a totally different cathegorie then losing your parents and being an orphan.
Ofcourse it can never be justified, but the proces of mocking to some degree is something natural one has tolearn to deal with, partially by relativating peoples reactions.
In this soecific case the mocking takes up such proportions that it is a little more grave then just the usual social problems one can encounter.

thats why I expressed my HOPE that he would win something from this experience.
I hope he will not let himself be talked into depression, and that he will find the strength to take up his life and be proud of the gigantic audience already reached on such an age.

Don’t focus on the cause that triggered it… I was just using Captain Hook as the classical example of adult antisocial (not to say criminal…) behavior, due to some (any) trauma, during childhood… Some people get over it, but some don’t…

In this soecific case the mocking takes up such proportions that it is a little more grave then just the usual social problems one can encounter.

Even if it didn’t have such monstrous proportions, mocking still leaves scars… Nevertheless in the specific case, the scars are deeper… I wonder if he will ever be able to trust anybody from now on…

I hope he will not let himself be talked into depression,

It’s not up to him… It depends if he has people that care about him and help him out of depression…

and that he will find the strength to take up his life and be proud of the gigantic audience already reached on such an age.

The gigantic audience will not help him… Right now I believe he needs to be left in peace… In case I see him start enjoying the publicity (even the positive one…) that got from this story, I will be very much concerned about his mental health…

I share the same hope with you, that he’ll get over it…


well timonides I have to say you start to sound like a guidance councelor.
Wich a mean in a very positive way. You seam to hav a good look on human psychhologics.
I myself look at people in a more abstract way.
What I meant with being talked into a depression is that he shouldn’t listnen too much to the retorics of his lawyer.

I myself would be very surpised as well when this guy ould proudly show up at letterman for instance.
But I think he can easily mock the mockers with the fact that he is a celibrity now and they are still nono’s.

george lucas was dumb enough to allow a mistake like jar jar happen, and he almost had the backstreet boys (or was it n’sync?) in episode 2, so he damn well better have this guy in episode 3. yeah, that would be cool. and i don’t mean ‘haha what a loser’ cool, but rather for someone to have gone through all this torment and then get to be in an actual star wars movie, that’d be amazing. i can imagine that would help him feel much better about all this.

If he was given a part in the episode 3…the people who mocked him would be kicked in the nutzz heheh :slight_smile:

:stuck_out_tongue: (darn, there isn’t an evil grin emoticon!)

i think the poor kid deserves a extra roll in ep3.

personally i think hes a legend.


alltaken>I agree on that