*UPDATE*Page 5--P-51 Mustang WIP

I have just completed the model to my current project yesterday, and I am about to start on the texturing. I am running into a few problems with triangles; particularly where quads and triangles met. It is creating a sort of ripple effect that is bothering me, so if anybody has any suggestions or other improvements please let me know.


VERY COOL! awesome modeleing, even though i dont kno the plane

Beautiful model, looks exactly like the mustang! weird thing is, I was looking for reference pictures about 2 weeks ago so I could start modeling the mustang but it looks like you beat me too it :smiley: keep up the good work!

The rest of the plane looks sharp, but front of the cowling is wrong…

Awesome! We need more planes :slight_smile:

Front cowling is where you need to concentrate. Especially where the propeller hub is and the propellers themselves. Props aren’t the same width base to tip, (they’re wider near the top), and they’re thinner on the trailing edges.

Proportionally speaking it’s an excellent start overall, keep going!

Here’s a good shot of the front cowl:

that is a nice model just one crit the propellar blades are angled to much try abou 20 - 30 degrees ish

Greg…ma’ man, whats up buddy. Hey, you better not be posting on government computers or I will turn yer’ ass in…anything to get a day off right! No but seriously folks, I work with this guy, he’s a very devoted Blenderhead. He and another buddy of mine (Paul) that I will be pushing to post as well hopefully some time soon…he’s getting pretty good man, have you seen him work…he’s fast for only aving used Blender for about a week and a half now…damn I’m a good teacher (cough)…ok enough B.S.

Greg, as you already know I think the model looks great! I really admire the way you modeled the wings (not the result but the actual process…I think that you should post a description of that because it seemed to really help Paul when you were talking about it the other day). Anyways, keep up the good work.

Take care.


For your ripples, not sure this will help. But since nobody is offering any suggestion:
Indeed I’d wish that I knew a sure shot technique to solve the problem myself in any cases. Nevertheless this has helped here :
(I imagine that your model is subsurfed.)

I was able to get rid of minor ripples by jacking up the subsurf value. High price.
Sometimes you can exchange two triangles for a quad. The two must share an edge and you select the 4 vertices, then hit alt+J. Lots of work. Very risky when applied to an entire object if it happens to be the least bit complex and it won’t always be possible to make quads in certain places anyway.

A very local selection and hitting smooth worked with some shapes.

Making sure that the problem, in spite of appearances, is not dued to a hidden vertex or edge that is, even only slightly, inside of the mesh.

So I took the risk : I hope to find out from others even better tricks or a real solution.


Ahhhh yes…I too have had this problem with subsurf. It especially occurs when I create meshes essentially 1 polygon at a time (extruding two or more vertices here and there until I have the required mesh). I also got rid of some ripples by re-“fill”-ing some faces near the location where the ripples have occured. Also, in my case, I am positive that all of my normals are facing in the right direction and that all of the faces are “filled”, however, I still get the ripples. I do have tri’s mixed with quads so I am certain that this is the case for me. Its just that I was worried is some spots that some of my quads would ultimately give me a problem since I had “bent” them (basically imagine taking a piece of paper and bending it from one corner to another). In this case I would add another edge, making two tri’s from one quad. Maybe this is unecessary. If you guys know whats up with this let me know and I will do the same.


:expressionless: Thanks for the critique. When making the model I was using pictures I had gathered as well as a model of a P-51 that I own. And well… turns out that the model wasn’t so accurate :< , it caused both the propeller and the cowling. So something I would have otherwise overlooked will be fixed hopefully tonight. At the end of which I hope to post an update for all you to see.
Thanks again for the pointers. And I’ll try a couple of different techniques mentioned to hopefully loose my ripples…
Anyways time to blend :smiley: ,


Hey great model Greg! Can’t help you with your problem but In case you’re still looking for reference pictures, you can go here:http://www.airwar.ru/photo/p51.html http://www.airliners.net and do a search for p51 or mustang…

PS: I’ve had the pleasure of seeing a real flying p51…wow! :slight_smile:

At request… I’m not sure if this will help anyone else, depending on your application. But essentially all I did was instead of creating one wing and mirroring it to the other side for the second. I simply created the shape of the wing in the fuselage and then extruded both wings out at the same time, by scale(S-key) and constricting the scale with the middle mouse button. This was much faster since I didn’t have to mirror and then sow the new wing to the fuselage after.

Well I wasn’t able to do much last night, but this morning I fixed the cowling as well as the propeller. I also noticed that my model also had the exhaust wrong, so there is more work caused by using the model as reference. So that will be my next project along with reworking my canopy and cockpit to make it better prepared for texturing and animating.
As for the ripples; I got some out with tweaking vertices, a few with higher subsurface, it’s not perfect, but I like the effect it gives it in certain areas, so I might just leave the rest.
Anyways, these are the changes:
Let me know what you guys think,

looks liek a mustang thus far… keep it up

Changed the Canopy, since it’s easier to have the glass and the frame seperate (Thanks for the tip Landis). I also improved my cockpit. I still need to redo the exhaust, but after that… maybe… I’ll be ready to add texture.


Well remade the exhaust, completed the new canopy… and ready for texture, or so I think.

Looks great man! I likt it!

Only one thing left to do, imho - the wing section needs to be a wing section, as opposed to a flat surface…
(The one in the middle is closest to the p-51’s airfoil)

Here’s also some upclose deatails of various components on the vessel, if you want to go all-out:

That is a good collection of close ups, I will defanetly be able to use them.
Yeah I know it’s kinda hard to see in the renders I have posted, but the wings do have a airfoil cross section. But I’ll see if I can’t refine them a bit to give them more shape. Thanks for the suggestion.
PS still working on bump mapping, it’s a slow process, but I’ll keep you posted.

Still working on the Bump map, but it is getting close to being done. I hope to finish the Bump tomorrow, since all I have left is some work on the bottom, the propeller nose, cockpit, and flight control surfaces…maybe not tomorrow… but soon…
