Working on the color map now… still need to do the flight control surfaces… the exhaust and a few touch ups. So it will look fresh from the factory at first, but I’ll be aging the paint job shortly after.
Wow, looks awesome, great job man!
yea! it look really cool! cant wait to see more!
Just another quick update. Nice Factory new texture is just about complete…
Very nice so far. Minor suggestion - To be more accurate the D-day stripes you have on the wings anf fuselage should be black and white. They also need to be on the fligh surfaces. The American star and stripes should be smaller, and would not overlap the D-day stripes.
Nice modeling. One of my favorite planes. I’ve considered building one for some time.
cool, i’d depen that bump map quite a bit, and a specularity map would be awesome here too.
I was wondering if the stripes where black and white, consider it changed. They are on the flight control surface, but there is some kind of bleeding effect going on that is bluring the edges of the stripes, kinda gives a depth to the look that I like, I think they are casued by radio… As for the star and stripe, I rechecked my refrence pics, and I can see that they do not overlap the D-Day stripes on the wing so that will be changed, but I am not sure if you also ment the fuselage stripes, because I do have many pics showing that, not to say that those are accurate, since they are from modern day P-51s, so if you could clarify that please.
Thanks for the C&C though!!!
I think your right I will have to get in there and adjust the bump, I lost some of the definition when I added a grain in the bump map for the paint. As soon as I get the color map “aged” I will be adding a specularity map, so keep an eye open for updates.
Greg…comin’ along great buddy! Sorry I havent had much time to get with you about it at work latey but she really is looking nice.
Talk to ya later man…maybe we can play a little battlefield this weekend or maybe even black hawk down if you I can ever get you to close Blender and leave the house so that you can go out into society and buy the damn game…take a break man :o ! Just kidding, great work, keep it up!
Landis! I’m still a newbee… I haven’t found the close program button yet…Help! Anyone… my fiancé already thinks I love blender more then her… that might not be good… or so I’m told…
Anyways, got work (blending) to do…
Of all people he wouldn’t know where it is either. I imagine it runs as a permanent background process on his machine.
Why would you want to close Blender? Blender is eating my life, and you should offer your days and nights to Blender as well.
Anyway. Can’t write. Must Blend.
Hit the Q button you goofs
I have no problem offering my days… and nights… sleep… food…
Anyways, new update increased the bump, like suggested. I will be making a new paint job after I finish this one to match a real fighter groups paint job(thanks to cohort). There is a lot of metal in those and I am going to try a make a nice reflective surface for that… Anyways here it is!!!
Oh yeah…there she is…blooming nicely. I like it…good work as usual bud. Hey man, good job in the game tonite. Everybody…I have an anouncment to make…Greg actually closed Blender and made a trip into town to buy Black Hawk Down…I stomped on him pretty hard too…no not really …Greg is pretty good at video games…but not quite good enough right Greg (insert sinister laugh here). Till next time…nexxxxt time…(and one more sinister laugh to go right here).
P.S. Like I said, plane looks good…now stop tweaking the bump and get grungin’ on that color map bitch! See you at hell…ooops I mean work…oh…wait…same thing .
Thanks Landis… I think everyone had their chance at stomping the rest; we will have to play again sometime soon. Anyways… still haven’t even opened blender today, stupid supervisory homework, but hopefully I will be finishing up the bump still have the bottom to fix (so sorry Landis, not quiet done with the bump yet) but hopefully later this week there will be some improvements on the color map, along with the dirt a grime that makes a plane a plane… so keep in touch, and as always any suggestions are requested!
Well done on the changes. Much better markings. I might suggest losing the red on the prop, or and some dirt and scratches. It’s too clean.
I like the cockpit, it really would look sharp with a pilot.
Last thing is the wings need a bit of shaping. They seem slightly flat, and squared off and the edges more than the P-51D. The bump map is good.
I saw a group of Mustangs fly at the Oshgosh airshow a few years back, and they make the coolest damn sound flying over. They used the P-51 for the engine sound of the Millenium Falcon. If you watch Star Wars, there’s a sequence of shots where the Falcon arrives at Yavin. That it exactly what the Mustang sounds like. I don’t think they modified the sound at all.
Get’er done and do an animation.
For those of you following this thread and hope to accomplish something similiar.
By the way, supurb work GrebFB.
Finally have a new update, it has been slow progress for a few days, playing to much Black Hawk down with Landis… but I did get something done on the P-51!
Right now everything is TOO clean. The red prop was just a temp solution, one of my many upcoming projects will be: making a nice color map for the prop cone, as well as the prop blades. After witch I will be messing around with the tail color map… put parts of its number both the tail and the rudder… after which it will be all grungy: dirt, grease, burned paint, chipping/missing paint, scratches dents… it’s going to look like it went to war!
I agree! Once I finish the outer skin, I will be adding in cockpit controls, gauges etc., and of course a pilot.
Yeah I still need to do that as well… been all tied up in the texture that I haven’t messed with the model much, but I promise that will be changed!
I’m working on it, not much time with my job… just ask Landis!
Eventually there will be an animation, and yes it will have the sound of a P-51, because it is one of the coolest things I have ever heard as well!
Anyways here so the update!!!
Thanks for the help!!!
Added some nose art.
If you want to see a better picture of the art itself:
Nice progress on the textures. Some nice wear and tear on the yellow paint around the props. Good choice for nose art.
One thing I notice is there are no guns on the forward edge of the wings. I was looking for the streaks that the gunpowder would leave on the wings (another detail for your textures) and noticed the guns were missing. You might look into adding them.