Do I need to spell it out?
Sigh… everything has to be a flamewar around me…
I’m asking because the amount of updates around here is about one every 4 months. I might be a snotty little jerk, but really, I think I’d do more just to shut me up.
Next, I post mainly in the off-topic forums, yes, you’re right. It’s because I’m too lazy and my attention is diverted to sandboxy things more often than to strict things. (The same goes for video games.) It’s a little fun in the off-topic chat, because as the name implies, you can talk about anything and you can find your posts hijacked into another topic.
Also, really, on stephen2002’s awesome forums, there’s lots of emoticons that aren’t here. For example, there are two devilish smilies: One with a frown and one with a demonic smile that makes you glad you can only see his face and not below his waist. Also, they have a smilie similar to , but animated. Sure, we have a Zorro, but it wears off a bit. More smilies!
A bit hypocritical, don’t you think? I went through this post and removed all capital letters and replaced them with bold. Meanwhile, Goofy here is yelling out the word “will.” Ban Goofster!
BTW: I wouldn’t care if you made the off-topic chat posts uncounty or whatever. I might be a bit more dedicated to Blender that way. Go Mods!
BTW: Initials don’t count as shouting, right?
Isn’t this kind of pointless thread?
When I became a member to the Elysiun I did it becuase I wanted to learn 3D art and wanted a place where I could ask advice and tips for more efficient modeling, not becuase of the quantity or quality of the emoticons or because of the possibility for huge, eight meg DiVX coded animated avatar.
GET REAL CUBEFAN! or if you are not happy with your choices, change the forums.
Oh, and before I forgot, I’ve seen forums with lesser choice of emoticons or with emoticosn which are much lesser quality. I see nothing to complain here.
So what do you say, that the kind people who provide us for this forum for FREE, should do MORE unprofitable work, so that YOU would be happy and get more nifty little gimmicks to add to your meaningless posts?
Next, I post mainly in the off-topic forums, yes, you’re right.
As long as you don’t provide anything for the community (like art, tutorials and stuff), you shouldn’t demand ANYTHING. Not even ask.
Also, really, on stephen2002’s awesome forums, there’s lots of emoticons that aren’t here. For example, there are two devilish smilies: One with a frown and one with a demonic smile that makes you glad you can only see his face and not below his waist. Also, they have a smilie similar to
, but animated. Sure, we have a Zorro, but it wears off a bit. More smilies!
So move your sorry little arse to stephen2002’s forums for good, and leave us alone, please.
You freakin’ eedjit! Take a look at the topic of this post.
ONE word here and there doesn’t mean shouting (but simple emphasis, same as bold text), but WRITING WHOLE SENTECES IN CAPS (like that one) is shouting.
BTW: Initials don’t count as shouting, right?
Fuck you already, will you?
I would like to see all emoticons, postcountstatusthingys, text effects and stuff removed, only because I would like to piss off CubeFan… but maybe it’s just me
you’re asking for some serious trouble.
A bit hypocritical, don’t you think? I went through this post and removed all capital letters and replaced them with bold. Meanwhile, Goofy here is yelling out the word “will.” Ban Goofster!
I was kinda refering to the topic title...but you're in luck! this forum has a "feature" called "Edit post".
and...(here's the fun part)
You can edit the title too! yay!
ps. sorry, can't be any more subtle in my hinting.
getting banned is serious trouble?
If he acts that way towards a crowd of skinheads armed with baseballbats, THAT’S serious trouble (I lack the proper smiley)
Was I talking about getting banned? I don’t think so…
Was I talking about getting banned? I don’t think so…
Watch yourself. Theeth might make a “nightcall” on you.
I think people should have their accounts suspended at 1000 posts
and be forced to go outside.
only eight more posts and I have to face daylight.
And regarding theeth… The king of the subtle warning does not know my phone number.
ack! Sunlight!!
I’m melting!
There’s an outside?
there are rumors. But it probably isn’t 4:3 so don’t bother looking
Ah you need the prescription 16:9 glasses for going out there.
I say that we do something interesting like Amazon: Survivor, and once a week, vote someone off the island.
or like Weakest Link.
you are Elysiun’s weakest link, bye bye!
First, theeth, they say “Goodbye” on the Weakest Link. Get your pointless game show trivia straight!
Whoa… I thought it was only a rumor!
Three: You’d think they’d have the attention span to ban me by now. I’m surprised, Luke.
Four: I think I’ll stop replying to this thread. Starting… right when I click that “Submit” button.