Ive been working on a helicopter for (WAY TOO LONG). But my main problem is the landing gear Ive started the front hatch for the landing gear and Ive animated it using ipo curves because it comes with the ping pong option. The problem is when I test out the landing gear it doesn’t stop when it hits a platform it goes through like its not there Ive set bounds tho convex hull and applied the add to parent button. Ive been on this one little detail for a wile and I have alot of other stuff that needs to be done.
swtich on physics visualisation whenyou get such problems. It shows you what the physics really sees.
I see what the problem is there are two green lines going horizontal which is the direction the landing gear is set at frame one of course. And it doesnt follow with the animation. It stays with what ever position its in when the game starts, I started the game in the last frame and the lines were vertical and have the opposite effect
I am wondering now how do I make the physics move with animation cause I still havent figured it out even after messing with it for a while. Still nothing
There was a discussion regarding a similar thing some months ago. You might want to search for crouch. The thread discussed a few methods to update the boundings of two or more objects. I can’t remember what the conclusion was. I know that I posted as well.
If you can find it, it may help you.
That wasnt what I was needing but, ive disabled compound on the parent object and it works but there is no bounds and the same with the add to parent setting on the child (the one with the ipo animation) the physics work fine but there is no bounds. So it has to have something to do with bounds on the parent object and the child object. But I have no clue about it. Its getting to be a pain in that place were things tend to be a pain in every once and a while
In the post concerning ipo animation and parenting the bounds of the object wasn’t moving with the
animation, but now Ive found that its all motion all together with the child object. The bounds is the problem, when compound is enabled it just stops working the bounds are frozen. But I cant avoid having compound enabled because every thing involved goes flying into oblivion. I am REALLY needing some help on this.
PubeZ, I don’t see a need to start a new thread for updating an already current thread so I have merged the old and new threads.
Update 2: I don’t know if I have worded my problem correctly, So I will try again. My parent object is a helicopter I have other components such as propellers,cockpit door, and landing gear hatch.
On the helicopter I have set it to dynamic with the bounds set to convex hull, and the compound button active. The other (child components) have motion, for the propellers I have motion actuators, and for the cockpit door and landing gear hatch I have ipo animation. They are set to static actor, and the bounds are set to convex hull with the add to parent button active. But with this enabled there is no motion with the bounds of the child objects. With the add to parent button inactive the bounds work but not when the parent object moves toward a surface in any direction in which the child meets another object. For instance the propeller rotates and the bounds rotates as well (without add to parent enabled) and when a random dynamic object meets the propeller from any angle the bounds are fine. But when the helicopter is in motion and the propeller or landing gear meets a surface they go through until the body of the helicopter touches the surface. So its the movement of my helicopter toward a surface that causes anything attached that doesn’t have add to parent enabled to go through only when add to parent is enabled will it stop like it should but add to parent just adds to the bounds to the parent object so motion means nothing for the attached child objects. So what is wrong Ive tried everything I could think of.