this is a work in progress of a ship i’m designing for a movie.
the first one has been rendered using the edge settings so as to define the polygons.
the entire model has been made out of polygons rather than textures so as to work well in close up situations.
currently i’m working on the bridge of the model and will then move onto the engines.
hopefully done by tonight.
started yesturday
here goes all critisim is welcome and much appreciated. i’ll post some more when i’ve done the engines.
the insides of the hanger are not mine so ignore them(not that i have any pictures showing it now)
i havn’t spent much time on the ship recently because i was spending most of it designing the graphics for my web page
in the final the “doug” is an animated gif which rotates when mouse overed
and also all of the buttons have mouse over animations.
finished writing the code for the home page just need to do the rest of them
oh yeah and it for my portfolio to get into design school hence why its all about the stuff that ive done recently.
the buttons along the top are only there when you have clicked on the portfolio button on the left hand side. kinda sub menus
Wow, very nice modeling with a high attention to detail, good work there!!!
Is it a fully CG movie your working on? Are you going to try to texture it to look realistic, or are you going for fully styleistic?
Good work!!!