Updated OBJ Import (20xSpeedup) - Twice as fast as JMS's


Obj_io :

Finished importing chat.obj
obj import time:  8.85473485727

obj_import :

        file length: 211284
        found 0 smoothing groups.
obj import time:  6.30424943132


Just a word : this .obj file is just the first one (and the only one) I tested .

obj_io facesemect mode :


Cambo’s obj_import faceselect mode (does not fail blender anymore) :


A second test on a second zbrush file :

the same file imported by obj_io script :

JMS- Good one… I Changed 2 “|=” to “&=” and it fixed the problem you documented.

Fixed and uploaded. - … Keep looking :slight_smile:

I am very happy this bug was found before release, and I dont realy mind everybody can see I made a silly mistake, but your turning, what should be a simple bug report into a drawn out process that others probably dont realy want to read about.

Just send me the file and Ill work out the rest, you have waisted time, mine and yours by farting around uploading images etc. when you could have sent me the file.

As for the smoothing issue-

  • Faces that are a part of a smooth groups are smoothed,
  • A Cat looks nice smoothed, but a Building wont loook nice since its meant to have flat surfaces, smoothing everything by default isnt always good. users can always hit the smooth button if they want.

Image does not display again .

Send him the bloody file!! %|

I cannot: these files do not belong to me.

I thought we had all swallowed the pill and followed the
rabbit into th wonderful world of open source…

I agree with Bellorum, stop d***ing Cambo about and
send him file that’s “libre des droits”/GPL/Blender artistic license
or whatever.

These files were lent to me personally by their authors to improve obj_io and they are not “open source”.

I’ve sure everyone has seeb this a hundred times over on Slashdot

I don’t see the point of open sourcing the code if the
content is going to be under some restrictive copyright regime.

Hasn’t your third party mesh owner heard of

Unless of course he has ripped a fourth party off and isn’t
really the copyright owner him/herself.

And you can’t get his permission to allow Cambo to improve his script? I think you’re full of it.

Macbuse : where did you see that zbrush or wavefront’s softs are “open
source” ?

bellorum : why don’t you make your zbrush file ?

Not everyone has Zbrush %|

but everybody has google :

I don’t get your point.

1 minute to find the files,
1 minutes to dowload,
30 second to write a mtl file …

it’s very sad, i also have .obj that don’t load on blender but i just can’t give them to anybody because the guy who did them didin’t gave me the authorisation. And i understand him because it’s models made for a commercial videogame and his contract doesn’t allow him to distribute his models… :S

Yeah. because everyone knows how to do that. %| Here’s another idea:
5 seconds to ask your friend if Cambo can test one of his files.