Updated: Seven Projects (Cocoon, Call Eye Do Scope, Bypass, Peacock, more)

These are some projects I’ve recently completed over the past few weeks (some started back a few months), Peacock being the latest one.

All are pure Blender internal renders.


A Florist’s Folly

Call Eye Do Scope



One Billion Theories


Thanks for checking out my work.

Have a great week!


Looking good! Have you ever done any animation? I could see some of these making really cool dynamic movements and transformations.

Just a little inspired :wink:


Awesome stuff!
Were some of this generated through scripts/plugins (such as the cocoon)?

Thats some great work! It’d be interesting to know how you made some of those

Fantastic! I’d love to know how you achieve such great pictures. I especially like the Cocoon and the Peacock. How about a time lapse video that shows how you work?

Thanks for the comments!

No scripts, just a lot of patience and manual/proportional mesh editing :slight_smile:

I think the best way I’ve described the process with a piece like Cocoon is that I tend to think of mesh as paint in that style, and in such a project I tend to work less in terms of modeling forms and more on conceptualizing strokes of paint in 3D space.

Sometimes it’s more sculptural than that, but you get the idea.

I did a few time lapses in the past and will probably do some more in the future.

Some animations are also in the works. Those will take a while to complete.


very nice!!
I really like the creative ideas you have. There is almost everytime something new coming with each of your project!

Looking forward to any time lapse you might do! :slight_smile:

Amazing work! Your sense of color and your creativity are incredible… And your meshes/renders are fantastic. Some of the greatest images i ever seen!

Certanly 35 stars (5 for ever one)! :smiley:

really awesome!

the use of 3d is just a way to do in your artwork !


An overdose of awesomeness!!
Amazing work. For some reason I really like “A Florist’s Folly”

wow, really amazing work… no scripts? Wow…

I luv I luv I luv. Really… amazing pleasure to see

by the way… did you use any external renderers?

Update: I just updated my top post with a new render of "Peacock"

I’m so glad to hear people enjoying and connecting with these images and different styles :slight_smile:

On the topic external rendering: I personally have no need for external renderers because Blender’s internal renderer is more than enough for me and what I want to do in 3D.


A true artist! How do you come up with the Ideas on what to make?

Wow, just looks great! I’d like to see that animal animated :wink:

I like the lighting in A Florist’s Folly, specially on the cup.

The water effect in Fountain is very well done, how do you did it?

And post-pro in Bypass is impressive!

Great renders Robert!

I have seen the peacock. That’s great.

I like it. Truly artistic perception.

I simply LOVE peacock, fantastic piece in my opinion. As is cocoon, im not sure how you pulled of the effect that you did, i’m not even sure what the effect is i’m trying to describe, but i like it.

I find Bypass to be the most confusing, normally with your work i always appreciate theat there is meaning in each piece you do and whether i understand what the meaning is or not, i always enjoy trying to figure the answer out. But with Bypass, it seems to me to be a alien travelling down some kind of starwars-esc corridor in a vehicle and that is that.

Visually i think it the best of the lot but so strange that for me it is the least thought provoking. Even your other piece one billion theories which personally i dont think the colour scheme is particularly interesting, it does grab my interest more so because i wondering how many levels of detail you put into it adn ther eare lots of things in it to look at up close aswell as looking at the whole thing together.