The Mage on the magical Orb Tower

The Mage casted a spell to remove the fog and the noise!
Let’s see if the spell was powerful enough:

2K render - new version:

If you have a chance, take a look at the 4K render available at
It should amaze you!

The new version rendered in Cycles 2.81 took 6 hours at 3000 samples. I gave it a bit of composition and touch ups, but only some details.

Also some 2 more screenshots of the scene, awesome!

What follows is the original post, which has more fog and more noise

first version - There! The mage, casting a spell! - much noise - much fog

4K image - first version - much fog - much noise

So that was a WIP on Saturday, thread at

I decided to make it worth it, as the first WIP had way more potential. So I started modeling everything as needed. I modeled lamps, coal, runes, bones and a lost city. The wood dock, flags, chains, ah yes the bridges. The mage was first 2D, but then I realized that he had to be 3D also and the staff. The sword received runes, several rocks also, lamps became gotical with coal inside. I worked lighting, fog and volumetrics, that was actually the hardest part to distribute lights and colors to get this dungeon and dragons feel. The final render has some post production, I kept some noise in some areas. Birds are 2D png masked in the render. Almost everything received sculpting (stairs, rocks).
I generally post jewels, so, some may not believe I did this entire scene. 3D modeling and 3D rendering is part of my every day job since 2004. I used to create video games as a teen. I wanted to let it show.

I hope I’ve succeded, let me know what you think!
The 4K render took 3h30 to render. I made some touch ups to reduce noise here and there.

2K render - first version - much noise and fog:

Views of the scene:


You’re #featured! :+1:

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It seems really noisy and the artifacts/smoothing made by denoiser kind of makes everything to look like scenes from 2000s. Is that something you wanted to achieve or just unwanted effect?


Hi @Drvquiron

The screen-shots that are taken in Blender look SO impressive due to Large_Sculpting :scream:

However the Final screen-shots have WAY too much fog & really degrades your nice looking work.

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I was wondering the same thing. Maybe the image is so huge it got compressed when uploading?

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Great! I am so happy. Such support always gives me more inspiration. Thank you!


I know. The noise is an issue indeed. I made many tests, but I was going to face a 24 hours render time! Then I started evaluating some compromises and settled to keep the noise, hand correct some parts, and found the general balance to be good enough. And yes, it kind of gave a retro look, some old RPG style that I found charming.

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Thanks! Yes the amount of fog is an issue I am aware of. Given the very good feedback, I am going to create variants of this work, I believe I can find a different balance for the noise and fog amount to get and enjoy cleaner details.


Unfortunately there is no compression to the 4k image. But I am going to make a new version. I really love this scene, and the fog and noise aspects I was already wondering during production, and the comments are right, so I will create a new version. At 4K it is really worth it.

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Ready! New version

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I updated the scene and made a new render


I removed much of the fog and got rid of the noise.


It’s looking a lot better!

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Great! Thank you

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I think you messed-up @Karlb’s & My reply but anyway good work :+1:

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Yes I surely mixed it all up :slight_smile:

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Amazing! Thank you Bart, have a delightful weekend!