I’m creating a skeletal mesh for the original Unreal (with the latest 227 patch) and I would like to add to the skeleton (which I already have animations for), the capability to include muscular and fatness rigidity + flexibility in order to make the character appear more natural and realistic. I am somewhat newish to Blender and do not know how to implement the impression of muscular or fat mass to the skeleton, but am happy to learn as I go along.
Part of the problem, is that when importing the .psk/.psa file (an Unreal skeletal model file format) into the game/editors’ meshviewer, the game cannot seem to understand partially weighted vertexes, only fully weighted vertexes or not at all, and different bones may not share a single vertex. The model itself is an upgraded version of the brute character model which is from the original game, although I am progressively adding more detail and refining the model as I go along; which also helps in the end result for the animations to appear more realistic and natural.
These are various WIP shots of the model, some from an earlier point in the models development just to demonstrate some animations -
<A more recent state of the model>
Ideally I am striving for the muscle and fatness tissue to appear as natural as possible during animations. Since vertexes must be 100% weighted, I cannot only partly weigh some vertexes to multiple bones, which would usually help muscle and fat appear to move more naturally on the model, therefore I need to be a bit more creative and set up bone mechanisms to operate those parts of the model.
Could anybody give me any advice to help set up this process?
Thanks in advance.
- Kajgue