"Updating Primitive Offsets" then crash

Quite often when in render mode in the viewport I will try to move the view, zoom in or out or try to change something, such as turning a mesh on or off or, most recently, try to change the viewport settings to show ‘mist’ and there will be a slight pause - then in the top left hand corner where you get the little messages about what’s happening (eg sample number), what’s selected etc (not sure of technical name) a message will come up that reads “Updating Primitive Offsets” and then Blender will immediately crash. This has happened on various versions - I’m currently using 4.1 Beta - and so I assume it is an issue with my project causing the problems. Usually I just sigh and reload from the Autosave version but I wondered if this was a well known issue and whether it was something I could solve.

I’m never quite sure where to look for things like crash logs etc or what to look for when I/if I find them, so any advice on how to debug this would be appreciated - or if its a ‘known issue’ what I could do to avoid in future (or, it might just be one of those things I’ll have to live with!").

Your crash log locations are in the manual.
If you click on Help > Report a bug you can explore the area you end up for bug reports from others. If you find a similar one, it may be useful to the developers if you add your info. You can make your own report. Read the rules about posting first.

Asking for crash log help is probably best done on blender.stackexchange, just make sure to follow the rules on posting. And search to see if the issue is already there. They hate duplicated posts.
But the crowd there is more technical minded, so more likely to have an answer.

If you are using Cycles then try turning off OSL. That is causing issues in 4.1+ versions.
Turn off OSL