Quite often when in render mode in the viewport I will try to move the view, zoom in or out or try to change something, such as turning a mesh on or off or, most recently, try to change the viewport settings to show ‘mist’ and there will be a slight pause - then in the top left hand corner where you get the little messages about what’s happening (eg sample number), what’s selected etc (not sure of technical name) a message will come up that reads “Updating Primitive Offsets” and then Blender will immediately crash. This has happened on various versions - I’m currently using 4.1 Beta - and so I assume it is an issue with my project causing the problems. Usually I just sigh and reload from the Autosave version but I wondered if this was a well known issue and whether it was something I could solve.
I’m never quite sure where to look for things like crash logs etc or what to look for when I/if I find them, so any advice on how to debug this would be appreciated - or if its a ‘known issue’ what I could do to avoid in future (or, it might just be one of those things I’ll have to live with!").