Hey man, I dunno wher eyou are, but I havent been able to get ahold of you! I am dying for the rigging, as I start filming next week! need to do FX tests first…

Now, for the rest of you… Lohn C said he would rig the Aniax Demon for me (that thinger) but he has yet to do so, And I am running really short on time, i havent slept more than an hour a night dealing with people giving us money, and people we owe moneyt and so on and so forth (making a movie). So blengine and ENV were god enoug to make the model and texture it for me, and I am counting on LOHN C to rig it, but if I don’t hear from him, i need someone else to do me a favour for full screen credit. I have a quadrepial charater that needs IK rigging and skinning, with a nice fluid, easy-to-animate skeleton. Also, minial facial movment required, like brow ridges and lip curl… There may alos be a minimal amount of modeling (just the inside of a mouth and some teeth)

All interested in joining this team of esteemed blenderers, and would be willing to offer services, FAST, can either Respond here, or Email me at either [email protected] or [email protected]

This is urgent business, as I have no time, nor skill to rig this creature. And LOHN C, Lee, if you read this, please get in touch with me.

Also, feel free to contact me for details on release date, subject matter, process, audience, credit, anything, just need some help. Thank you all.


I could rig the quadrupede, but I’m away this week end, so I’d have to do extra fast next week.


hey theeth, that would be killer…

Mind giving me an example blend of how your armatures work? I am jsut curious as to how you plan to rig it, as I need a fairly versitile rig, meaning, He can move around fairly easily, while still having good deformations.

Email me and we will chat.

hell yeah we were god enough :slight_smile: in the future, keep the praise more modest though nayman :wink: and there is no need for human sacrifices either, poor lee, we will miss him dearly

im anxious to see aniax in action

ha ha ha ha… blengine, you so funny

(rolls eyes)


DOn’t worry, theeth is a very good “rigger” :smiley:

Nayman, Lee is having a problem with his computer, I rang him last night on @ndy’s cough recommendation cough :wink:

Something to do with his graphics PC and the cables stuffing up :expressionless: Didn’t make too much sense to me, but :frowning: