This shows how to assign a sensor logic brick to the buttons/joysticks on an Xbox controller- I found this on some other post on this site, but I can’t find it.
Right Thumbstick:
Up = Index 0, number 2, axis, up axis
Down = Index 0, number 2, axis, down axis
Left = Index 0, number 3, axis, left axis
Right = Index 0, number 3, axis, right axis
Left Thumbstick:
Up = Index 0, number 1, axis, up axis
Down = Index 0, number 1, axis, down axis
Left = Index 0, number 1, axis, left axis
Right = Index 0, number 1, axis, right axis
Left Trigger = Index 0, number 2, axis, right axis
Right Trigger = Index 0, number 2, axis, left axis
The problem here is that you can’t hold both triggers at once, because one will cancel the other out.
A = Index 0, Button, number 0
B = Index 0, Button, number 1
X = Index 0, Button, number 2
Y = Index 0, Button, number 3
Left Shoulder = Index 0, Button, number 4
Right Shoulder = Index 0, Button, number 5
Back = Index 0, Button, number 6
Start = Index 0, Button, number 7