hello all. this is my first time posting, so nice to meet you. (i hope my question hasn’t been asked yet… i know how much that annoys people)
i got some models from the internet that do weird things when i press the play button (for the games…) to sum it up, the normals are all fliped, there are no textures, and the mesh is really screwwy. (in this case specifically the arms.
the first is a render, proveing that it only occurs in the game engine…
these two are in the game engine.
however, this happens with my things i’ve made too. here’s a lighsaber i’ve made. it was moving peices of the mesh all over the place, but it won’t do it now…:mad:
any help?
complete noob moment warning!!!
and while i’m here, is there a way (useing logic bricks) to do something when a button is NOT being pushed? ie doing a stand cycle when i let go of the forward button? i’m really new to animating for games(just did my first walk cycle, infact)
how bout using two keys? like the right arrow normally turns character, but when right arrow and another key, like ctrl are used together, character will strafe
The renderer will always render faces as 2 sided, so if in game they are flipped, it’s because they were never right from the beginning
To see the textures be sure to be on texture mode before loading the game, also it can help using GLSL.
The armature issue is probably caused by bad bone weighting: If there are vertexes that don’t have a 100% of weight with a bone, it will simply not follow the bone at all, the preview and renderer can support vertexes with many bone parents, but the engine does not, it can handle 50% at minimum (so 2 bones can parent a vertex, being both at 100%).
Hope it helps.
it does, thanks. however, i don’t really know how to fix it… when i put in the bones, i’m pretty sure that i only ever attached a single vertex to two bones, and i didn’t even touch the weights…
what is texture mode? and do you mean an entire game when you say load the game, or just when i push the button? cuz i made the game (my first…)
a face won’t show up in the viewport if its flipped, will it? in shaded mode? cuz it does…
also, you make it sound like the blender game engine isn’t the best route to go for makeing a game. can you suggest a better engine? (a free one) i’ve played with several (such as torque) but i never get far because they have trial limitations and they’re COMPLICATED. blender just seems so easy. also, i read elsewhere that the engine doesn’t handle logic bricks too well, so how hard is it to learn to program in python? i always thought that logic bricks were just an interactive way to program in python…
actually, the lightsaber pic is misleading. most of the room was white to begin with… but the saber had color. also, why does the game engine make transparent things not transparent?
i must be doing something wrong, cuz i tried flipping normals, recal outside, recal inside, noda…
as you may or may not be able to tell, much of Tails is see through. easy indicators are the fake mouth you can see though the back of his head, and his hands and shoes.
what now? the second pic also reillistrates the messed up meshes. i haven’t tried to re weight them, but i know that atleast some of the verts in his arms are only added to one bone. (or atleast i only added them to one) is there a place where you can see all the bones that are attached to a vert?
and now a new problem. what the heck is with his face? there’s suposed to be a piece between his eyes… (see first pic at top of page)
okay, final post for tonight. finaly got the armeture set up right. no stray verts. sighs now i understand why all those posts and books said rigging sucked. however, i still have my normals problem. i read somewhere about a normal map? what’s that?
Your normals are flipped! Normal map has nothing to do with the faces normals. To fis your normal problem, go to edit mode, then on the edit tab, scroll till you can see the face normal options and enable ‘Draw normals’, or some’ like that. From there you’ll see what faces are inverted, select then and press flip on or Ctrl+N or Ctrl+Shft+N.
Hope it helps!
it does, and it doesn’t… the draw normals tip is certainly new, and useful. however, i’ve already tried flipping and recalculating my normals in blender. also, i has a ton of normals. they all “say” they’re outside, but i no differnt…lol
i think it may be because i had to flip the verts in the uv map. i scaled by -1 in the x axis, and my model was oriented right. could that cause my problem?
edit- scratch that. it didn’t work. model was still transparent when i flipped the verts in uv map
editedit- okay now i’m REALLY confused. i went into texture face in the editing panel and changed it to two sided, just to see. it STILL was see-through. any ideas? cuz im lost
really? thanks! … but umm… how? wait nevermind, figured it out… but i cant… it wont let me upload it cuz it’s over 900 some kb… what now?
edit- i even cut out the camera and lights… its still 1200+ kb with just the model and armeture. perhaps if i get rid of some of the textures…
edit- okay, its in the attachments. had to get rid of some texts and the nla editor stuff, but its there. … i hope. the left and right arrows turn the mesh and the forward and backward make it walk.
I’m currently at work, so I can’t mess too much with the blend. But I seem to have detected the error. It’s in the materials. You seem to have 8 of them and some are badly attributed. Do the following:
Go to edit On the left hand side, you’ll see the mat selection it’s marked 1-8, delete all of them, first.
Then add them one by one. First the body, then choose the faces that are supposed to be transparent and add the transparent material (in edit mode).
If your problem persists I’ll have a better look later!
i did what u said, and then reassigned the txts. it worked, but all of the materials are still there. there just not associated with the model anymore. how do you get rid of a texture?
It may also be an alpha issue, start making all faces and material with 0 transparency, later add it and check out.
Also, how big is the character on the scene, if it’s too big it may cause graphicall glitches as well. For example make a default cube, in real world that cube has 2 meter per side. A character should be smaller than the cube of course.
Alpha refers to the face mode. In your case, the faces are oblique even if some materials seem to be transparent. For you to get rid of textures, don’t pack them, or just pack the ones you use, save the file and open it again> If that does not work, I don’t know then. It seems there’s no way to get rid of materials…
Alpha refers to the face mode. In your case, the faces are oblique even if some materials seem to be transparent. For you to get rid of textures, don’t pack them, or just pack the ones you use, save the file and open it again> If that does not work, I don’t know then. It seems there’s no way to get rid of materials…