useing the game engine produces strange results.

would originally being a .fbx file matter? i used autodesk’s converter and changed it to like a gazillion differfent formats (didn’t know what would work) i think i used the obj file. it not it was the dxf though i’m pretty sure it was obj. don’t know if it matters.

another, unrelated question. why does my gravity pull up? every time i push p, my character flys away (now that i have it as an actor…) is there a way to fix this?

accidental double post

meh… the infamous triple post…

k, fixed the gravity somehow… but now has a new problem. i’m trying to make a static stand cycle for the model… like what happens after i let go of the buttons… but whenever i try to move a bone, it snaps right back to where it was.

i’m more worried about the normals thing, but i’d like to know if you guys know the problem.

Nooooooooo!!! … Curse you blender! why does it just shut down like that when you push the x? why doesn’t it ask you to save? WHY??? all my work is gone. poof.

WAIT! the ray of hope shines through like a blast of brilliant sunshine!.. lol and whew!

has anyone else any ideas on this strange normals problem

The problem is in the material. Disabling ztranparency on the material, solves the problem for me!

huzzah!!! thankyou thankyou thankyou!!! it works! now i just have to figure out why he falls through things. but that’s another matter entirely.

you gets a cookie!!! “load the cookie!” aims cookie cannon… lol really though, thanks for both your guys’ help.

Can we see the result? Also, how’s the FPS looking?

… quick question. i’m trying to add a monkey head to my scene (which is not my first scene, if it matters) and when i add it comes in shock white and under logic it says ‘physics’ and ‘actor’ there is no drop down box for ridged body or anything… what’s going on?

how would i show u the results? also, i havent figured out how to show fps… i’m a super noob when it comes to the game engine, and this truely is my first project with it…

edit- 60 frames per second…

okay, to make this usefull for someone else, i will try to list the steps that i used to fix problems.
first, the ztransparency, curtesy of torakunsama. that got rid of the horrid inside out look.

next the arms. they were right, it was bone weights. just go through, find your problem areas and remove them from the surrounding bones. then reattach them to the bones that they supposed to be attached to.

i have no idea how i fixed the gravity…

  1. It looks like Tails’ mesh is draining massive CPU because of physics; give him a simpler collision mesh (cube, sphere, etc.) in the Physics menu. EDIT: Tails’ mesh shouldn’t be using ANY physics (it’s a complex mesh, and you’re going to be moving the mesh by its armature). Set Tails’ mesh to be No Collision, or Static and Ghost.

  2. If the dropdown box for physics doesn’t appear, make sure Blender Game is enabled at the top of the window (where it mentions the renderer).

  3. The monkey head is white because it doesn’t have a material on it (you just added it). Go and give it any material, and it will render correctly when you play.

  1. Make sure the ground is static in order for him not to fall through (and the armature controlling Tails isn’t a ghost).

  2. To animate, do the following: Before moving bones, go to the Animation screen, and make a new action (it should be on the left, select the dropdown box where it says Dopesheet and click Action Editor. Then, press I to make keyframes (rotation for all, and location specifically for the root, or parent of all other bones) for each bone. After this, move each one, and then make more keyframes. Look at the action editor in the Animation screen (best screen to use for this) and move forwards and back in the timeline to set where the keyframes would go.

Have fun

thanks for the replies. i do have a box for tail’s bounds. i parented him to a cube and that is the bounds. tails and armeture are ghost AND static. its not that he falls throught he floor. its that he falls through platforms in the level (small floating cubes.) also, if tails encounters ground that is less than flat, he can pass through it with relative ease (dependant on the angle…)

what do you mean its draining cpu? is 60 fps bad? i thought that was really good… though i really don’t know…

and whats the rasteriser? from the pic. i know it has to do with images, but not how it affects. if i could do something about that, i’d get better stuff, right? considereing the rasteriser is at 30%

From your screenshot, the BGE is spending a lot of resources (22%) on physics. See if you can figure out what is causing the high drain. Your game is pulling out 60 FPS, which is good, but it seems to be draining the CPU on your computer (percentages = how much of your computer’s processing power is being used on that section, I think), which means that your game won’t be able to get much more complex without starting to lag. For example, the Rasterizer is at 30%. If you add more complex things (realtime lighting, textures, normal mapping, shaders, etc.), then the game will begin to lag. By the way, the Rasterizer deals with drawing things on screen; if anything is drawn on screen, like a polygon or texture, or a drawing function, like lighting or a shader, the Rasterizer takes a performance hit.

You should try enabling all frames (in the Render(?) menu, next to the World and Object tabs; this removes the 60 FPS cap, meaning that the game will draw and update as much as possible) to see how much more complex the graphics can get (usually, graphics slow down the game engine, though logic and physics also can be major CPU drains) while maintaining a nice, smooth, near 60 FPS (usually, if the game drops below 60 FPS consistently, it gets extremely noticeable and annoying). It’s best to try to make the game so that it will run as fast as possible; this way, it should be able to run fast on most PCs (or be open for expansion for more / more complex graphics, levels, and characters) when you’re finished. EDIT: Of course, removing the FPS cap is usually only for debugging purposes, to see things like what objects are hardest on the Rasterizer to draw, or what objects drain the CPU using logic.

hmm… i think i understand. … how does lifting the cap tell you what is hardest to draw? and any tips on optimizeing performance?

edit- i don’t have a world and objects tab… i’m running 2.49 if it matters…

To solve your physics problems:

  1. Make the mesh no collision and the armature ghost.
  2. For the monkey, the physics button will enable the other options. If it doesn’t, link the object to the main scene. Select it and press Ctrl+L and select the first scene. From there, setup your monkey, you may delete it later, the changes will remain!
  3. For the falling between polies, it might be a bound radius problem. Press Z to go on shaded or wireframe view. From there, set the radius (it shows as a circle ) to be match the mesh as close as possible. Also use cube and not triangle for the bound!
    Enabling all frames, is not a very good idea. Just making the tails mesh ‘no collision’ will turn you 20% physics to some 5-10%.
    The world tab is a sub tab of materials tab. It’s a blue circle icon!

okay… but how does a cube bounds help me if most of my level isn’t level… also, the physics tab thing. i want to set up a super smash bros style game play, but i can’t constrain my character to the x and z (or whatever combo…) as a dynamic. how do i do it?

edit- once again i open my mouth before trying… i figured it out.

well, i thought i had it fixed…