User defined mirror panes?

I’ve primarily used 2.8 for sculpting as the opengl 3 can finally offload a lot of cpu work to gpu what was a gigantic bottleneck for me.
So I’ve been looking at all the cool features blender was getting… sooo I’ve thought, why blender sculpt mode does not have an option to add user defined/custom mirror panes?
Something like this video.
Now for this to be viable I think that there should be an option for the brush circle to be rendered on the mirrored positions to remind or I guess let the user know where a brush will be applied.

What do you think?
I think that this is something that could really speed up and help us sculpt.
I tried to create this as I already have the blender 2.8 repository setup, but unfortunately my knowledge in c++ is just not enough and the blender codebase is quite overwhelming. I’ve only managed to spectacularly mess up blender. :stuck_out_tongue: