It seems the only way to change our username is by asking you (the admin) through this forum.
I didn’t find any info about that in the FAQ, maybe it could be added under “Setting and Profile Features > Changing User Details”
But more importantly, is there no way to give control over it to the user ?
I may change mine several times but seeing how many requests have been posted I don’t want this task to waste your time.
Anyway, I’d like to change my username from Caetano to ChameleonScales if that would be possible.
Allowing users to change their name on their own whim, in my unofficial opinion, would be something that could be prone to abuse.
A user who is disgruntled with Blender’s direction for instance could change his name to Ton Sucks. Another abuse possibility is some joker changing his name to [BEEP BEEP BEEP] (except uncensored). Still others might type in a sentence rather than a proper name and another person might change his name all the time (either because he wants to confuse people or he can’t make up his mind).
First, if people create an abusive username, we could report it, just like we report abusive forum posts. You can block and moderate everything if you expect people to behave like ****heads.
Second, if someone changes his username often, can it really cause problems to others ? As long as the username would be updated on all previous forum posts, you couldn’t mistake the person.
Now as to your feature request, I believe that the forum (quite a long time ago, in the elysiun.com days) had the ability for users to change their own names. However, that was prone to abuse and it did cause problems of mistaken identity (people would even purposefully change their identities to look like another person’s account as a trolling technique). Our moderation team is small, and name changes have no logged history… so if a report was made and things are changed before a moderator sees it, then it’s difficult to issue any punitive measures with any credibility.
This may change once we eventually change to Discourse as our forum backend, but certainly not before then.
I wonder if the new website allows it now.
It seems you can’t do it directly from the preferences but since you can now login with your BlenderID and Sybren recently added the ability to change your BlenderID username, maybe that change would propagate to the forum.