username change request: I want my name back... (please...)

Some time ago I posted a request to change my old user name to Timonides…

Well, after a couple of nervous breakdowns and some conscience crisis I had, I did some meditation and decided (for some reasons of my own…) that I don’t want this username anymore…

I know that maybe I will sound crazy (most probably I am), but could it be possible for some Admin to change my username from Timonides back to skontar???

I know that this may be confusing, I know that I’m causing trouble to you with this (seems I’m pretty good at making other people’s lives difficult…)… I promise this is going to be the last time I’m troubling you with this… :expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless:

Can someone do this last favor to an old fool??? :expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless:

Please??? :expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless:

well, I can’t since someone already registered the nickname skontar after you’ve changed to Timonides.


PHP is case sensitive, isn’t it??? Well, it shouldn’t be a problem cause my nick starts with a lowercase “s”… Hhhhhmmm… Wait… maybe the script have some rules that don’t allow this, even in such cases… I don’t know…

Well, if it helps, I talked this over a bit, with the other user and I don’t think he would have any problem if you would delete that other account… Anyway he won’t make any trouble about this, cause I’ll punch him on the nose in case he has any objections :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: Don’t worry…

Well, I have to admit that it would make me happy, but if it’s too much of a work for you, forget about it… It’s not that important and I don’t want to cause more trouble than I allready have…

Thanks again…


I’ll look into it tonight

looked at it a bit,… but I won’t change it without the other skontars approval,… so I’ll mail him about it.


This sounds fair enough, so it’s o.k. with me…

I guess I shall have to wait, till we get “his” approval then…

Anyway I’d like to mention one more time, that if this thing is going to cause any more problems, you can just forget about it… It’s not that important…

In any case… Thanks Timothy…
