I am using the displace modifier, in 2.8 eeVee, which is using a Musgrave proceedural texture. In 2.79 you can have a Texture as an input in a shader so you can use the same texture in the shader as you do in tyhe modifier. In 2.8 the ‘Texture’ input is not there in the Shader window. I tried making a Musgave texture node in the 2.8 shader with the same values as the displacement texture but they have different names so it’s rather imposible (and I can’t get it to look the same anyway).
Is it not implemented yet in 2.8 or is there a new fancy way of doing it?
Ok found the answer on here - seems you can’t do it and you haven’ been able to do it in Cycles only the Blender internal renderer… hope they fix that one day as it is fundamentally useful
In fact this completely sucks.
Not only would I have to struggle to care about if something is fully supported in cycles just to make an artwork render (non realistic), but the fact you can’t use the RGBA channels from a brush/modifier texture in shaders is really lame. There is no justification. “Oh we can’t support 100% of all features for this so you can’t even have the image” man whatever.