Im somewhat sorta surprised by the more sparse documentation of Driver stuff, at least from my searched. Regardless, im now just beginning to look into fiddling with Driver elements and i feel i have ran into a rather basic Snag.
Basically how would one set stuff up so that the controller for the other Shape key Drivers, is a Shapekey itself. Pretty much i have a sphere and a cube as two different objects, they each have a shapekey that morphs them into a different shape. I want to control this morph by using the Shapekey on the cube, so when i set the Cube Shapekey to 1, it also sets the Sphere shapekey to 1, or by extension of this just creating a third shapekey on the cube that controls both.
All the tutorials i have found seem to not cover this, instead only going into details about using Bones or a Objects position as a controller for a Driver, nothing i have found goes into details about just using another Shapekey as a Controller for a driver, which surprised me since i assumed using a shapekey to control another would be the more basic applications of drivers.
Using the Blender 2.79 currently can anyone more in the know go into a bit more details about how one would do this.
I suppose that is another question, has Blender 2.8 made Driver creation more intuitive?
Just right click on the value of the sphere shape key and select âcopy as new driverâ.
Then right click on your cube shape key and select âpaste driverâ.
Does not seem to work, Copy and pasting Drivers Require that both Shape keys are Drivers, and since both are Drivers i cant control just the Cube one since you cant drag the shapekey value slider of a shapekey that is a driver, and even setting up a third Shape key to control both does not work as even with copying the setting it only control the shapekey of the Object it is on, and not the other object.
Most simple way i can explain what i want to do is this.
I have 2 objects Cube and Sphere, Cube has a Shapekey called Stretch, Sphere has a shapekey called grow, i want it to be so when i drag the Stretch Shapekey up to one on the cube, it also causes the Grow Shapekey on the separate sphere object to be set to one aswell.
Your method works, but it only seems to work if the Shapekey is on the same object, which is not the case for mine since i want One shapekey to also set the shapekeys on a different object.
Just tested in 2.79. It works there as well but 2.79 has no âcopy as new driverâ.
What you do is add a driver to your target object.
Then you go to the drivers editor and select
Type: Average Value
Driver Variable Type: Single Property and call it value
Prop: Key and select your key from the drop down
Path: copy the data path from value slider of your source object
Hey, If you hit the âUpdate Dependenciesâ button does it work ? it should. The issue here (2.79 and back) is that the âdependency graphâ (the behind the curtain updater) is waiting for something else to happen, that can be a frame change or the objects to transform - really a whole number of things. If you are doing an animation then the frame change could be enough to keep you in business.You can also add variables to your cube or sphere if your transforming it, so it will update. The thing about driving shape keys is its acting on the mesh and not on the object, so there is a difference to Blender. Hope that helps, 2.8 has refactored the deps graph so maybe it works better in these newer versions IDK. See Lumpengnomâs last post #5
Yeah thanks, i ended up somewhat figuring it out through a series of Tutorials to do basically what you said. I ran into a issue of the Drivers not being updated but my somewhat roundabout fix was to have the Shapekey Drive a custom Property and have the Property then Drive the other Object, seems to let the shapekey update in Realtime then.
Yeah it worked with updating Dependencies, the Round about Fix i got though to make it update in realtime was to set up a custom property Driven by Shapekey 1, then have the custom property drive Shapekey 2, lets it then update without having to click on Update Dependencies.
thatâs good, glad to see the newer deps graph is better than 2.7x, I was going to suggest that but in older versions you still have to hit the button or run the timeline.
Ahh no, this was a trick i was doing on 2.7 to bypass the button press, its seems to work for me, i suspect because custom properties has its own checkers that run more consistently.